Daily WOD

Healthy Habits - Day 2 Be alert (but not alarmed) to calorically dense foods, even if they are healthy options. 50g of raw cashews (a handful) has about 1200 kJ, very roughly speaking about 10-15% of your daily energy requirements. For time: 500m Row 100 Double Unders *25 rotations (ie....

Healthy Habits - Day 1! A) Back Squat / Bar Muscle-Ups (Sub 2x Strict Pullups) 5 / 5 (x5) OR B) 5 Rounds for time of: 3 Bar Muscle Ups / 6 Strict Pull Ups 10 Kettlebell Squats (2x24kg / 2x16kg) 400m Run As trainers we get to see many varieties of squat. This is...

Rotating every seven minutes: EMOM for 7 minutes A) Clean / Jerk 1 / 3 B) Kosciuszko + Wall Climbs 2 C) 40 second Row for total accumulated distance ...

“Filthy Fifty” 50 Box Jumps (24") 50 Jumping Pullups 50 Kettlebell Swings (16kg) 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees to Elbows 50 Push Press (20/15kg) 50 Back Extensions 50 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 50 Burpees 50 Double Unders ...

A) "Glen" (Bring your rope climbing socks!) 30 Clean and Jerk (60/40kg - "Grace") 1.6km Run 10 Rope Climbs 1.6km Run 100 Burpees OR B) 1 km Run 50 Situps 800m Run 50 KB Swings 24/16kg 400m Run 50 Double Unders httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPIsf-QG8ZE...

AMRAP in 20 minutes: 7 Push Press (50/30kg) 11 Front Squats (50/30kg) 200m Run I realise most of you probably still remember how to do these from the last time I posted this clip, but we've had a few new members lately so they need to get them sorted...

Back Squat 7-7-7-5-5-5-3-3-3 Finisher: 3 rounds for time: 30 Double Unders 20 Russian Twists (20/15kg) 10 Inchworm Plate Pushups Thanks for visiting Strickers.  ...

Rotating EMOM for 21 minutes (7 minutes per station): Station 1 5 Deadlift at 80% of 5 RM 5 Dips Station 2 5 Toes-to-Bar 5 Box Jumps (30/24") Station 3 40 second Row for max total accumulated distance httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JgGPWoYXqk...


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