Daily WOD

This Saturday we have entered a team into the WodStock competition on the Gold Coast. The team is Jess Labelle (capitano), Pip Severin, April King, Trent Leggatt, Ozzie Osbourne and myself. If you're in the area come along and check out the action. The Saturday morning...

“Tyler” 5 rounds for time: 7 Muscle-Ups 21 Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (42.5/30kg) Scaling options for this workout will include: a) Three rounds b) Sub 3 Pullups and 3 Dips for each Muscle-Up c) Combination of a) and b)  ...

5 rounds for time: 50 Double Unders 10 Pukies (Burpee Pullups) 10 DB Snatch (20kg/15kg) Click here to see results from last time. ...

A) Back Squat 20 reps at 80% of 1 RM. Partition as required. B) 12 Minute AMRAP - 6 minutes of: 10 Squats 10 Flutter Kicks (4 beats = 1 rep) NO REST -6 minutes of 10 Jump-over Box Jumps (24/20") 10 Toes-to-Bar The "Bodyline" series changed the game of cricket because Bradman was too good. They changed...

All the best to everyone going to the Stampede today. With April away Jess will be running the 6:45am session. She is going to run a Yoga-style session so come along and get a dose of early morning awesomeness with a different flavour. WOD Either A) "Severin" (If...

A) 1 Clean + 2 Push Press + 3 Push/Split Jerk B) Conditioning and Skills Practice: Rope Climb (No feet if you're skilled at normal climbs) Kipping Pullups Forward / Backward Rolls GHD Hip/Back Extensions      ...

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 400m Run 5 Dumbbell Hang Cleans (20/15kg) 10 Dips 15 Box Jumps 20"  ...

Aliquam ornare pretium magna vel sollicitudin. Mauris fermentum metus vitae mi porttitor vitae bibendum erat rhoncus. Nullam semper condimentum congue. Curabitur pretium elit sed elit hendrerit nec tempor nisi vestibulum....


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