Daily WOD

REMEMBER TO REGISTER YOUR RESULTS FOR OPEN 16.1. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE 11am BUT SOONER IS BETTER. Partner WOD “Whitten” 5 rounds for time: 22 KB Swings (32/24kg) 22 Box Jumps (24/20") 400m Run 22 Burpees 22 Wall Ball (9/6kg) - One works, one rests. - Share each set and the runs 50/50. ...

A) Hang Clean Pulls 3 - 3 - 3 B) Hang Power Cleans 3 - 3 - 3 C) For time: 800m Row 20 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% of heavy triple ...

Both workouts will be available throughout the morning from 5:45am onwards. Open 16.1 (only for members who have registered for the Open) AMRAP in 20 minutes: 7.5m Overhead Walking Lunge (43/30kg) 8 Bar Facing Burpees 7.5m Overhead Walking Lunge 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Barbell Free (non-registered members) AMRAP in 20 minutes: 0:00 - 3:00 Row for...

2016 CrossFit Games Open scheduled times - Friday 5pm and Saturday, 6am through to 8am. - If you have registered please prioritise one of these time slots. - The workouts will be announced on Friday at 11am for the first couple of weeks and then at 10am for...

A) CrossFit Linchpin Test 12 For time: 400m Run 15 Clean and Jerks (62.5/45kg) 3 Rope Climbs (LONG SOCKS) 400m Run 12 Clean and Jerks (62.5/45kg) 2 Rope Climbs 400m Run 9 Clean and Jerks (62.5/45kg) 1 Rope Climb or B) With a barbell loaded to 45/30kg, AMRAP in 20 minutes : 400m Run + 15 reps per round cycling through the...

A) Superset Bench Press 7-7-7-5-5-5-3-3-3 10 Cal Row after each set of bench press B) 2 rounds for time: 100 Double Unders 30 Toes-to-Bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5pe1N0QzWI...

A) 0:00 - 12:00 (time cap) 6 rounds for time: 15 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 10 Deadlifts (85/60kg) 5 HSPU (sub Pushups) B) 12:00 - 15:00 AMRAP HSPU (sub Pushups) - all HSPU reps completed in Part A count towards AMRAP score https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f0EigHFIck...


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