Daily WOD

MOBILITY 7.30am SKILLS 9.30am - Clean and Jerk WOD 7.30, 8.30am "Games Open 12.3" AMRAP in 18 minutes of: 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 12 Push Press (52.5/35kg) 9 Toes-to-Bar httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRPRB8pw_X8...

For time: 3 rounds of 5 Wall Climbs 10 Power Snatches (45/30kg) 15 Back Squats (45/30kg) Then 1000m Row [caption id="attachment_7245" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Speedy[/caption]...

A) Strict Press 3 x 3 x 85-90% of 1RM B) Weighted Pull-Ups 5-5-5 If you don't have strict bodyweight pull-ups do 3 x 10 x lightest band possible. [caption id="attachment_7236" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Feona, Kath L, Anita[/caption]  ...

A) OTM for 10 minutes: 3 Deadlifts at 80-85% of 1RM 30 Double Unders (scaling - choose a number you can consistently do in 30 seconds) B) OTM for 10 minutes: 5 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24") 7 Wall Balls (9/6kg) [caption id="attachment_7227" align="aligncenter" width="423"] Jo G[/caption]...

For time: 40 KB Swings (24/16kg) 40 Pull-Ups 800m Run 30 KB Swings 30 Pull-Ups 600m Run 20 KB Swings 20 Pull-Ups 400m Run [caption id="attachment_7219" align="aligncenter" width="430"] Ange S[/caption]...

Mo-BILLI-ty 6.15pm WOD A) Barbell Complex - Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, 2 Split Jerks, 5 Front Squats B) Incrementing AMRAP in 7 minutes: 1 Power Clean (60/40kg) (^80/60kg) 2 Pushups 3 Squats 2 Power Cleans 4 Pushups 6 Squats 3 Power Cleans 6 Pushups 9 Squats etc...

MOBILITY - No scheduled class. Come in and get some anyway - check the clip below for some ideas. We have a great space dedicated to that purpose. Your body will thank you for it. SKILLS 9.30am - Overhead Squat - Snatch Balance WOD 7.30, 8.30am A) “Rankel” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 6 Deadlift (100/70kg) 7 Pukies...

Four Stations. Each station is a 5 minute AMRAP. A) Cals on the Rower (try to beat last week) B) 2 Wall Climbs 8 Wall Ball (9/6kg) C) 10 LH DB G2OH + Lunge (20/15kg) 10 RH DB G2OH + Lunge (20/15kg) 20 Situps D) 2 minute Plank then Max Effort Ring Support Hold  (Score = total seconds...

A) Push Press 1 x 7 x 75% 1 x 5 x 80% 2 x 3 x 85% 3 x 3 x 90% B) For time: 25 Kick Back Burpees 25 Knees to Elbows 25 Box Jumpovers (24/20") 100 Double Unders *10 minute time cap [caption id="attachment_7180" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Jon G[/caption]...


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