Daily WOD

A) 5 rounds for time: 12 Toes-to-Bar (^UB) 10 deadlifts (80/55kg) (^100/70kg) 8 HSPU (^4/2" deficit) B) 5 rounds, not for time: 12 Dumbbell Bench Presses 15m Walking Lunge ...

A) Clean 3 RM B) For time: 6-9-12-9-6 Lateral Burpees Front Squats (60/40kg) (^85/60kg) Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ODcK_WJKw...

In teams of three For time: 150 Situps 300 Cal Row 600 Double Unders 1200m Farmer Carry (10m Shutlles. 2 x 24/16kg) 2400m Run - Reps are shared equally until one team member finishes their quota, then teammates can help each other out - Partition as required - No allocated rest - The run must...

6, 7, 8am CrossFit "Artie" AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Pushups 15 Squats 5 Pull-Ups 10 Thrusters (45/30kg) - Barbell Free sub in Dumbbell Thrusters 7am Weightlifting ...

Happy birthday Krusher! "Paul Pena" 7 rounds for time: 100m Run 19 KB Swings (32/24kg) 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20") - rest 3 minutes between rounds - NB: as written by CFHQ it is 7 rounds, each for time, but we're simplifying it   ...

A) 0:00 - 15:00 AMRAP 50 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 200m Run 50 Hang Power Cleans (40/25kg) 20 Burpees 50 Box Jumps (24/20") B) 15:00 - 27:00 Power Snatch 3RM ...

A) OTM for 8 minutes: 4 Power Cleans 4 Strict Ring Dips B) AMRAP in 10 minutes: 10 Stepups (20". 24/16kg) 10 Situps 10 LH KB Snatches (24/16kg) 10 Situps 10 RH KB Snatches (24/16kg) 20 Situps ...

A) OTM for 8 minutes: 4 Strict Presses 4 Deadlifts B) AMRAP in 10 minutes: 3 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Pushups 8 Box Jumpovers (24/20") 5 Pushups 3 Knees to Elbows ...


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