Daily WOD

Back by popular demand (that is, by those who didn't do it the first time round): 1km Row 30 KB swings (24/16kg) 1km Row 30 Ring dips 1km Row 30 OH lunge (20/15kg) 1km Row 30 Double unders 1km Row Post time to comments.   This was on the CrossFit Rocks Website and I knew I had...

21 Jumping Pullups 21 Knees to Elbows 21 Thrusters (20/15kg) 15 Jumping Pullups 15 Knees to Elbows 15 Thrusters (20/15kg) 9 Jumping Pullups 9 Knees to Elbows 9 Thrusters (20/15kg) Finisher: Begin exactly 1 minute after completing the WOD, then:  Max plank hold Thanks to CrossFit Inc. for the video. ...

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Finisher 200 reps  - 100 reps from any combination of pushups, pullups, squats - 100 reps from any combination of box dips, situps, lunges Post weight and time to comments.  ...

Run 1.6km 21 Pushups 21 Pullups Run 1km 18 Pushups 18 Pullups Run 800m 15 Pushups 15 Pullups Run 800m 12 Pushups 12 Pullups Run 400m 9 Pushups 9 Pullups Run 400m 6 Pushups 6 Pullups Run 200m 3 Pushups 3 Pullups Scale up to ring Pushups and Chest to Bar Pullups if desired. Post time to comments. ...

Incrementing Ladder - AMRAP 20 mins. Power Snatch (40/30kg) Ring Dip Pullup (Strict) Toes to Bar Perform one of each exercise in the first round, two of each in the second round, three of each in the third round and so on for 20 mins. Post number of completed rounds and...


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