Daily WOD

6:00am, 8:00am CrossFit A) "Jackie" For time: 1000m Row 50 Thrusters (20/15kg) 30 Pull-Ups B) Deadlift 1RM 7:00am Barbell Free CrossFit For time: 1000m Row 50 Squats 30 Pull-Ups 1000m Run 50 Box Jumps (24/20") 30 Pushups 100 Double Unders 50 Stationary Lunges (25L, 25R) 30 Toes-to-Bar 7:00am Weightlifting ...

A) 4 rounds: Minute 1: 10 Kettlebell Swings Minute 2: 10 Medball Cleans (9/6kg) Minute 3: 3 Wall Climbs Minute 4: 10 Burpees Minute 5: Rest - Here's some optional extras that you could include: 20 to 40 Double unders 3 to 5 Abwheel Roll-Outs 10 to 30 second Plank 5 to...

A) Clean - heavy singles B) For time: 400m Run 21 Ground to Overhead (20/15kg plate) 9 Bar Muscle-Ups 400m Run 15 Ground to Overhead (20/15kg plate) 7 Bar Muscle-Ups 400m Run 9 Ground to Overhead (20/15kg plate) 5 Bar Muscle-Ups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo5Dwy7dhjA...

A) Overhead Lunge 3 x 10 - off the deck B) For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Double Unders Situps Deadlifts (85/60kg) - 15 minute time cap ...

Option 1 - A and B Option 2 - C A) E2M for 14 mins 3 Push Presses @ 80-85% B) Death by Burpee Box Jump (24/20") or C) ML 16.2 With a 12 minute time cap: 50 Cal Row * 21-15-9 *Ground to Overhead (42.5/30kg) *Toes-to-Bar Max effort Row for Cals in the time remaining. ...

Public Holiday - 8am class only. Partner "Woehlke" 3 rounds for time: - For the barbell work both partners complete the full set, one working one resting. 4 Jerks (85/60kg) (sub 12 KB Swings) 5 Front Squats (85/60kg) (sub 15 Goblet Squats) 6 Power Cleans (85/60kg) (sub 18 KB Deadlifts) - For the...

For the public holiday on Monday we will be running a single session at 8am. 6am, 8am CrossFit A) Power Clean 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 - starting weight is 50% of 1RM - add weight after each successful set B) CF Linchpin Test 10 5 rounds for time: 15 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 15 Power Cleans (45/30kg) 7am Barbell Free...

A) Cluster - 10 minutes to work up to a heavy single B) ML 16.1 (If you registered for the Masters League competition held at CFK you are automatically registered for this comp. Scores must be submitted by Friday 9pm.) With a continuously running clock AMRAP in 3 mins 6 Pull-Ups (Soldier...


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