Daily WOD

A) Snatch 1RM You will have the choice to work on this throughout the session or to hit the metcon as well. B) For time: 800m Row 30 Power Snatches ( @50% of 1RM Snatch ) 800m Run httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWrmIF0JZXQ...

A) Deadlift 5 x 3 x 90% B) 4 rounds for time: 15 Pushups 15 Snatch Grip Barbell Row (30/20kg) [caption id="attachment_7718" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Billi at WOD for Harper[/caption]...

Two 10 minute AMRAPs A) "DG" 8 Toes-to-Bar 8 DB Thrusters (2 x 15/10kg DB) 12 Lunges (2 x 15/10kg DB) 1 full round = 28 reps B) 4 Shuttles (6m> + 6m< = 1 rep, so 4 reps) 30 Double Unders (10 Doubles = 1 rep, so 3 reps) 4 Shuttles (4 reps) 30 sec...

We have a large group heading out to Ipswich today to be involved in this very worthwhile cause. ...

There is another ticket to the Pan Pacific Masters available. If you are interested speak with one of the trainers at the gym. 7.30am Mo-Billi-ty WOD 6.30, 7.30, 8.30am A) Thruster 5 RM B) Infinite OTM “Bergeron Beep Test” 7 Thrusters (35/25kg) 7 Pull-Ups 7 Burpees Continue on the minute for as long as you are able. Once you...

A) Power Clean 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Add weight each set. Also choose one movement from the following two options to perform as a super set: B) HSPU Handstand Walk (metres) Pushups C) GHD Situps V-Ups Situps Open Gym Metcon 3 rft: 60 Double Unders 20 Deadlifts (60/40kg) 10 Alternating Kettlebell G2OH httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_LS0gkQTx8...

If anyone aged 30+ would like to enter the Pan Pacific Masters Brendan Matthews has a ticket available. His contact details are on the community board at the gym. A) For time: 5km Row B) AMRAP in 10 minutes: 5 Power Snatches (60/40kg) 7 Ring Dips 9 DB Hang Cleans (2 x 20/15kg) [caption...

All members - It is great to see so many of you using the Crossover Symmetry and some of you are already noticing a positive difference as a result. As a reminder though, when you are finished using it please hook the system back up...

A) Press 3 x 7 x 75-80% Then Max Effort Push Press in 1 minute at heaviest weight B) Front Squat 3 x 7 x 75-80% Then Max Effort Front Squat in 3 minutes - Score  = Load x Reps (you may choose any weight to load on the bar) ...

Mo-Billi-ty - 6.15pm WOD Rotating through the three movements, OTM for 24 minutes: 10 Toes-to-Bar (Optional Extra - 10 Pushups) 10 KettleBell Swings (Optional Extra - 10 SDHP) 10 Weighted Lunges (Optional Extra - Plank for the remainder of the minute) - You can also scale the Optional Extras to a suitable level...


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