Daily WOD

A) Back Squat   1 x 10 @ 60% 1 x 8 @ 70% 1 x 6 @ 80% 1 x 6 @ 85%   - Percentages are based off your Back Squat 3RM   B) Front Squat   1 x 5 @ 60% 1 x 5 @ 70% 1 x 5 @...

A) EMOM   Hang Power Cleans 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1   B) E4M x 4   20/16 Calories 10 Pushups 15/12 Calories 5 Hang Power Cleans ...

A) E30S x 15 rounds   1 Clean (squat or power)   B) AMRAP in 15 minutes:   12 ALT DB Snatches (20/15kg) 6 Pull-Ups 12 Situps 30 Double Unders ...

A) “Diane” For time:   21-15-9 Deadlifts (102.5/70kg) HSPU   Or   “Sham” 7 rft:   11 Deadlifts (@ bodyweight) 100m Sprint   Then   C) For time: 100/80 Calories 4 Minute Plank   - 12 minute time cap ...

A) Weightlifting   or   B) 1. 0 – 10:00 EMOM 8 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 8 Pushups   2. @ 15:00   AMRAP in 20 minutes:   2 x 15 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Weighted Lunges 5 Strict Dips   then 200m Run ...

A) “Tyler”   5 rft:   7 Muscle-Ups 21 SDHP (45/30kg)   - sub 10 C2B Pull-ups for Muscle-Ups   B) E30S x 15 rounds   1 Snatch (squat or power) ...

A) Back Squat   1 x 10 @ 60% 1 x 8 @ 70% 1 x 6 @ 75% 1 x 4 @ 80%   - Percentages are based off your Back Squat 3RM   B) Front Squat   1 x 5 @ 60% 3 x 5 @ 70%   - Percentages are based...

A) EMOM (12 minutes)   Split Jerk 3 x 3 @ 60% 3 x 2 @ 70% 3 x 1 @ 80% 3 x 1 @ 85%+   B) E4M x 3   20/16 Calories 5 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20”) 15/12 Calories 5 Burpee Box Jumps [vc_gallery...

A) “Christine”   3 rft: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts (@ bodyweight) 21 Box Jumps (20”)   - 15 minute time cap     B) E3M x 5 rounds   200m Carry (9/6kg) 15 - 25 Wall Balls (9/6kg)   Medball carries are fun! [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="28043" img_size="full" column_number="2" grayscale="no"...

A) Front Squat   3 RM   B) Back Squat   3 RM   C) For time: 200 Double Unders 16 Wall Walks 4 Minute Plank   - partition as required - 12 minute time cap ...


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