Daily WOD

A) Push Press 5 x 4 x 80% then 1 x max effort Push Jerk   B) Front Squat 5 x 4 x 80% then 1 x max effort Back Squat   Photo: Michael Coppola Photographics ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm (no adult class at this time)   For time: 1000m Row   then:   8-10-12-14-16 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg) Wall Ball (9/6kg)   + optional (choose one) - 40 Double Unders per round - 5 Muscle-Ups per round - 100m Run per round Photo: Michael Coppola Photographics ...

A) Barbell Complex:   Power Snatch Hang Snatch OHS   - 15 mins   B) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 Hang Snatch 3 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Pushups   Photo: Michael Coppola Photographics ...

The CF King In-house Championships will be held on Saturday, November 10. More information will be posted tomorrow and nomination sheets will be up at the gym over the next few days. The end of year social event will be held on a separate date...

"Liam" For time:   800m Run (20/15kg)   * 100 Toes-to-Bar * 50 Front Squats (70/50kg) * 10 Rope Climbs   800m Run (20/15kg)   * - partition as required   - solo or partner ...

0 - 10:00   A) AMRAP 27 Double Unders 21 Weighted Lunges (24/16kg) 15 RKBS (24/16kg) 9 HSPU   10:00 - 15:00 Rest   15:00 - 25:00 B) AMRAP 27 Alt KB Taps 21 Box Jumps 15 SDHP (24/16kg) 9 Pull-Ups   ^ 32/24kg KB UB Double Unders Def HSPU Bar Muscle-Ups ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm (no adult class on at this time) A) Clean and Jerk 3 RM B) "Grace" For time: 30 Clean and Jerks (62.5/45kg) fake rolex watches uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhFe5cqP1mI...

Partner WOD 10 rft: 10 DB Devils Presses (2 x 20/15kg) 20 DB Stepups (1 x 20/15kg. 24/20") 100m Farmer Carry (2 x 20/15kg) - split sets 50/50 fake rolex sky dweller ...

0:00 - 3:00 3 x 3 Pull-Ups 6 Pushups 9 Squats   3:00 - 6:00 3 x 4 Pull-Ups 8 Pushups 12 Squats   6:00 - 9:00 3 x 5 Pull-Ups 10 Pushups 15 Squats   - until fail - sub Front Squat for Air Squats to work leg strength @ one third the reps (ie. same reps as Pull-Ups) fake rolex...


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