Daily WOD

“Fight Gone Bad”   - 5 stations - 1 minute per station - 1 minute rest between rounds   3 rounds for total reps:   Wall Ball (9/6kg) SDHP (35/25kg) Box Jumps (20”) Push Press (35/25kg) Row (Calories)   Krusher is all packed and ready to go. See you in three weeks coach. (Or else!)   ...

E2M x 4 rounds per station   1) 8 Deadlifts 200m Row   2) 3 Rope Climbs 10 OH Lunges   3) Double Unders HSPU   Level – D-U / HSPU 1 – 20 / 3 2 – 30 / 6 3 – 40 / 9 4 – 50 / 12 5 – 60 / 15   ...

- CrossFit Kids is on at 5pm (no other class on at this time)   For time:   36 Burpee buy in, then:   3x 8 rounds of "The Bear"" complex (52.5/36kg) 9 Toes-to-Bar 1km Run/Row (20 reps)   18 Muscle-Ups cash out (sub 36 Pull-Ups)   - 1 round of "The Bear" is: Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push...

A) E3M   Hang Power Clean Push Jerk   2 x 8+8 2 x 6+6 3 x 4+4   B) With an 8 minute time cap:   400m Row 20 Ring Dips   Then 6 x   5 Hollow Rocks 10 Grasshoppers   ...

With a running clock:   A) 0 – 10:00 AMRAP 5 C2B Pull-Ups 10 Alt DB Snatches (20/15kg) 30 Double Unders   B) 10:00 – 20:00 Strict Press 5RM   - first set must be with an empty barbell   C) 20:00 – 30:00 AMRAP 5m HS Walk 10 Box Jumps (24/20”) 15 Situps   - sub 10 Shoulder Taps for HS Walk ...

A) Back Squat   1 x 5 x 50, 60, 70% 1 x 3 x 70, 80, 85% 2 x 2 x 90, 95%   B) 6 rft:   5 Power Snatches (50/35kg) 10 Pushups   - 8 minute time cap ...

A) Clean - 10 minutes   B) "Hall"   5 rft: 3 Cleans (102.5/75kg) 200m Run 20 KB Snatches (10 LH, 10 RH. 24/16kg)   - rest 2 mins   The Ekka holiday crowd.   ...

For time:   50/40 Calorie buy in, then:   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (70/50kg) Dips   800m Run cash out   ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm (no other class at this time)   A) Bench Press 1 x 3 x 50, 60, 70% 2 x 2 x 80, 85, 90% 2 x 1 x 95%   Then   B) Weighted Pull-Ups   3-3-3-3-3-3-3   or   C) E2M x 6 rounds:   Double Unders Wall Balls (9/6kg)   Level – D-U / WB 1 – 30/10 2 – 40/15 3 – 50/20 4 – 60/25 ...

Ekka Holiday 8am class only   A) "Wittman" 7 rft: 15 KB Swings (24/16kg) 15 Power Cleans (45/30kg) 15 Box Jumps (24/20")   or   B) “Jay” AMRAP in 20 minutes: 22 Squats 12 Toes-to-Bar 9 Burpees   * Vest (9/6kg)   ...


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