Daily WOD

Performance   A) E1½M x 10   1: 5 Deadlifts @ 75 - 80%   2: 5 Bench Presses @ 75 - 80%   B) For time:   21-18-15-12   Calories Goblet Squat Jumps (15/10kg) V-Ups _____________________________________   Fitness   A) E1½M x 10   1: 10 Deadlifts   2: 10 Bench Presses   B) For time:   21-18-15-12   Calories Air Squats Situps [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="32144"...

Performance A) E2½M x 6   300/240m Row   B) Rotating EMOM x 20   1: 80 Double Unders 2: 12 DB Hang Lunges 3: 14 DB STOH 4: 16 DB Hang Snatches 5: Rest _____________________________________   Fitness   A) E2½M x 6   250/200m Row   B) Rotating EMOM x 20   1: 40 Seconds of Double or Single Unders 2: 12 Lunges 3: 12...

Performance   6 rft:   15 Power Cleans (45/30kg) 15 Toes-to-Bar 15 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 15 Lateral Burpees   - rest 1½ minutes between rounds   - 35 minute time cap   ___________________________________   Fitness   6 rft:   12 Hang Power Cleans 12 V-Ups 12 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 12 Burpees   - rest 1½ minutes between rounds   - 35 minute time cap [vc_row...

Performance   A) E1½M x 10   10-8-6-4-2   1 - 5: OHS   6 - 10: Front Squats   B) For time:   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1   Strict Pull-Ups Strict Presses   - 20 minute time cap   __________________________________ Fitness   A) E1½M x 10   1 - 5: 12 Bulgarian Split Squats or OHS   6 - 10: 5 Front Squats   B) 10 rft:   5 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Strict Presses   - 20...

Performance   A) Alt EMOM x 10   1: 3 Squat Snatches   2: 6 Muscle-Ups   B) 3 rft:   600m Run 30 Pushups 15 Hang Power Snatches (52.5/35kg)   _______________________________________   Fitness   A) Alt EMOM x 10   1: 6 Hang Power Snatches (or 3 Power Snatches + 3 OHS)   2: 6 Strict Pull-Ups or 10 Jumping Pull-Ups   B) 3 rft:   400m...

A) AMRAP in 20 minutes:   16 CTB Pull-Ups 12 Shuttle Runs 8 Dual DB Hang Clean and Jerks 4 Wall Walks   B) Partner finisher   For time: 80 Wall Balls (Hang) 60 Burpees (Wall Sit) 40 Wall Balls (Hang) 20 Burpees (Wall Sit)   - While one partner is completing the reps the...

A) E4M x 5   4-3-2-1   Deadlifts @ 70% Bench Presses @ 70%   B) 5 rft:   30 Air Squats 20 Situps 10 Ring Dips   - 12 minute time cap   ___________________________ Fitness A) E4M x 5 10 Deadlifts 10 Bench Presses 50 Flutter Kicks   B) 5 rft: 20 Air Squats 15 Situps 10 Box Dips - 12 minute time cap [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no"...

A) E2½M x 6   200m Run   B) AMRAP in 15 minutes:   50 Double Unders 15 Toes-to-Bar 10 Single Arm Devils Presses (22.5/15kg)   ________________________________________   Fitness   A) E2½M x 6   200m Run (250/200m Row or Ski, 500m C2 Bike or Air Dyne, 600m Echo)   B) AMRAP in 15 minutes:   30 Double Unders (60 Singles or...

Performance A) E2M x 5   5 Power Cleans + Push Jerks 10 HSPU   B) For time: 40-30-20 Calories Single Arm OH Lunges Box Jumpovers (24/20”) ___________________________________ Fitness   A) E2M x 5   10 DB Hang Power Cleans 10 DB Push Presses Plank until 1:30   B) 30-20-10 (^40-30-20) Calories Lunges (^Goblet) Box Stepovers or Seated Knee Tucks [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no"...

A) E1½M x 10   1 - 5: 2 OHS   6 - 10: 4 Front Squats     B) E5M x 3   9-7-5 Strict Presses Strict Pull-Ups ...


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