6:00, 8:00am CrossFit
Partner WOD
400m Run
15 Clean and Jerks (70/50kg)
400m Run
30 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
45 Wall Ball (9/6kg)
400m Run
45 KB Swings (24/16kg)
400m Run
30 Ring Dips
400m Run
15 Front Rack Lunges (70/50kg)
400m Run
- Both partners complete the first and last run together.
- 200m each for the other runs.
- For the...
Alt EMOM for 10 mins:
8 KB Cleans (2 x KB)
8 Strict Pull-Ups
40 sec. Row (for mtrs)
40 sec. Pushups
40 sec. D-U (for reps)
8 Hollow Rocks + Plank or Tuck Support to 40 sec.
CrossFit King - five years ago when there isn't a pair of Nanos in...
Clean and Jerk
- 20 minutes to work on technique and build to a heavy single.
For time:
30 Clean and Jerk (62.5/45kg)