Daily WOD

All the best to Amanda competing in the Qld Masters League throwdown at Wiser 1 on the weekend. 4 x 4 min AMRAPs - 1 minute rest between rounds Rnd 1 and 3 3 Power Snatches (55/40kg) 6 Pull-Ups Rnd 2 and 4 3 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20") 6 SDHP (55/40kg) ...

A) Bench Press 5RM   B) AMRAP in 6 mins: 20 D-U 5 Ring Dips or HSPU   C) AMRAP in 6 mins: 15 DB G2OH 10 Cal Row ...

2 rft: 600m Run 30 Pull-Ups 30 S2O (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg) 60 Double Unders 30 Ring Dips 30 Power Cleans (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg) ...

7am Weightlifting with Krusher 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit   A) Open 13.2 AMRAP in 10 mins: 5 S2OH (52.5/35kg) 10 DL (52.5/35kg) 15 Box Jumps (24/20")   B) Push Press 10RM ...

- Paige is away on holidays but there is some oly lifting on the board to work through.   For time:   800m Run 70 Situps 60 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 50 DB Snatches (20/15kg) 40 Pull-Ups 30 Goblet Lunges (20/15kg) 20 Med Ball Cleans 10 Muscle-Ups ...

CrossFit Kids - 5pm. A) For time: 400m Row 30 Pushups 30 Toes-to-Bar 200 D-U B) Cluster - 5 RM then AMRAP in 5 minutes: 1 Cluster @ 5RM 4 Lateral Burpees ...

A) Hang Power Snatch 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3   B) OHS 4 - 4 - 4   - no racks - 2 second pause ...


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