29 Jun Saturday, 30/06/18
7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit "Daniel" For time: 50 Pull-Ups 400m Run 21 Thrusters (45/30kg) 800m Run 21 Thrusters 400m Run 50 Pull-Ups ...
7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit "Daniel" For time: 50 Pull-Ups 400m Run 21 Thrusters (45/30kg) 800m Run 21 Thrusters 400m Run 50 Pull-Ups ...
For time: 1000m Row then 50 Double Unders 21 Power Snatches (50/35kg) 21 Wall ball (9/6kg) 50 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches 15 Wall Ball 50 Double Unders 9 Power Snatches 9 Wall Ball (or 12-9-6 Muscle-Ups for either PS or WB) ...
CrossFit Kids 5pm A) EMOM x 5 2 Clean and Jerks Then B) E3M x 4 10 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Strict Ring Dips or C) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 20 Toes-to-Bar 20 Alt DB Snatches (20/15kg) 200m Run ...
"CrossFit Total 2" Bench Press 1RM OHS 1RM Clean 1RM - or 4 x 5 for each - metcon option provided on subs board ...
A) Front Squat 9-9-9-6-6-6-3-3-3 B) Press 4 x 30 second AMRAP @ 50% of 1RM - rest 1 minute between intervals ...
3 x AMRAP in 7 minutes: A) 5 Deadlifts (45/30kg) (^60/45kg) 5 Hang Power Cleans 10 Pushups B) 5 HSPU (^strict) 5 T2B 10 Cal Row C) 5 Box Jumps (30/24") 5 Grasshoppers (L+R=1) 10 RKB Swings (24/16kg) (^32/24kg) Legends program Coach: Kim Lavin Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am. For those people wanting a gentle kick-start into a more vigorous training...
7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit "Josie" For time (*10/5kg vest): 1600m Run 3 x 30 Burpees (6") 4 Power Cleans (70/47.5kg) 6 Front Squats (70/47.5kg) 1600m Run All the best to Mos who will be pursuing his fitness closer to home and work. 882 visits in the book and coincidently we're...
5 rft: - every round 20 D-U 20 Situps - round 1 +20 Goblet Squats (24/16kg) - round 2 + 20 Alt KB Snatch (24/16kg) - round 3 + 20 Wtd Stepups (24/16kg) - round 4 + 20 Ring Dips - round 5 + 20 Box Jumpovers (24/20") ...
CrossFit Kids 5pm A) EMOM x 5 2 Clean and Jerks Then B) "Diane" For time: 21-15-9 Deadlifts (102.5/70kg) HSPU or C) 4 rounds, not for time: 6 DB Devil Presses 8 Alternating Lunges ...
"Bradley" 10 rft: 100m Run 10 Pull-Ups 100m Run 10 Burpees - 30 seconds rest between rounds ...