Daily WOD

For time:   600m Run   Then   50 Alt DB Hang Clean and Jerks (1 x 20/15kg) 40 Toes-to-Bar 30 Box Jumps (24/20”) 20 Alt Single Arm Devils Presses 30 Box Jumpovers (24/20”) 40 Toes-to-Bar 50 Alt DB Snatches   600m Run   - 35 minute time cap [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no"...

For time:   800m Run (buy in)   - rest 1 minute   Then   25-20-15-10-5   Power Cleans (52.5/35kg) STOH Lateral Burpees   - rest 1 minute   800m Run (cash out) ...

A) 6 rft:   100m Farmer Carry (2 x 20/15kg) 15 DB Thrusters (2 x 20/15kg) 15 Toes-to-Bar   - 20 minute time cap   B) 4 rounds for quality:   10 Windmills (5L + 5R) 10 DB SLDL [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="31244" img_size="full" column_number="2" grayscale="no"...

Weightlifting   A) Snatch B) Deadlift E2½M x 5 1 @ 70% 1 @ 80% 1 @ 85%   or   Conditioning A) E6M x 6   500m Row 400m Run   - each round is for time ...

A) Strict CTB Pull-Ups   E1½M x 8   Sets 1 – 4 4 reps   Sets 5 – 8 3 reps   B) 3 x 4 minute AMRAPs   15 Strict HSPU 100 Double Unders   Then max Burpee Pull-Ups in the remaining time   - rest 2 minutes between intervals [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no"...

A) Bench Press   E2M x 7   Sets 1 – 4 5 @ 75%   Sets 5 – 6 3 @ 80 - 85%   Set 7 1 @ 90%   B) Front Squat   E3M x 5   2 @ 60% 2 @ 70% 2 @ 80% [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="31238" img_size="full"...

For time:   1000m Run (buy in)   Then 5 rounds of   12 Box Stepovers (24/20”. 20/15kg) 9 Hang Power Snatches (52.5/35kg) 6 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (52.5/35kg) 3 Wall Walks   1000m Run (cash out)   - 35 minute time cap [vc_gallery...

Partner WOD   With a 35 minute time cap:   A) For time:   160 Calories (M/F 144, F/F 128) 1600m Run (8 x 200m intervals) 120 Pull-Ups 110 Dual DB Front Squats (2 x 20/15kg) 100 Burpee Double Box Jumps (24/20”)   - straight into   B) Max Dual DB Hang Clean and...

Weightlifting A) Snatch B) Deadlift   or   Conditioning   A) 3 x AMRAP in 10 minutes:   1. 20 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 200m Run   2. 15 Pushups 15 Dual DB Hang Power Cleans   3. 10 Renegade Rows (no Pushup) 10 Dual DB Front Rack Lunges [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="31124" img_size="full"...


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