Daily WOD

A) “Isabel” For time: 30 Snatches (61/43kg)   - minimum of 3 touch’n’go reps per set   B) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 30 Situps 30 Pendlay Rows 60 Double Unders ...

2 x AMRAP in 8 minutes:   A)
 2 Muscle-Ups 4 Pushups 8 Alt DB Snatches (1 x 20/15kg)   - sub 2 transitions or 4 Ring Rows (hard) for M-Ups   B) 2 HSPU 4 Toes-to-Bar 8 Wall Balls (9/6kg)   - add a deficit to the HSPU or go strict...

A) E2M x 5 rounds 1 Clean 2 Hang Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 2 Hang Power Cleans 1 Clean   B) Incrementing AMRAP in 8 minutes: 2-4-6-8-10 .. reps of   Deadlifts C2B Pull-Ups (no butterfly) Alternating V-Ups ...

A) E90S 8-8-6-6-4-4-4-4 Push Jerks     B) E90S x 8   8 Box Stepups 8 Dips     or   C) E6M x 4 rounds   2 x 10 Push Jerks 10 Box Jumps (24/20”) 10 Box Dips   Then Row, Bike or Ski for metres [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="22980" img_size="full" column_number="2" grayscale="no"...

Classes 6 - 7am 7.30 - 8.30am 9 - 10am 10.30 - 11.30am   Alt EMOM x 30 minutes:   @ 0, 2, 4 … 5 Pull-Ups 10 Pushups 15 Squats   @ 1, 3, 5 … 3 Power Snatches [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="22973" img_size="full" column_number="2" grayscale="no"...

A) 5 x 5 Sumo Deadlift   B) 15 rft: Double Unders SDHP   - 15 minute time cap   Level 1 5 D-U, or attempts 5 SDHP (15/20kg)   Level 2 10 D-U, or attempts 5 SDHP (20/30kg)   Level 3 20 D-U 5 SDHP (30/42.5kg)   Level 4 30 D-U 5 SDHP (40/55kg) [vc_gallery type="image_grid"...

A) “Grace” For time: 30 Clean and Jerks (61/43kg)   - minimum of 5 reps per set   B) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 30 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 30 Box Jumps (24/20”. Step downs) 30 RKBS (24/16kg) ...

EMOM - 4 rounds at each station AMRAP in 40 seconds   1) 4 DB Snatches (1 x 20/15kg) 4 Alt OH Lunges   - complete all 8 reps with the left hand, then all 8 reps with the right hand, etc..   2) 4 Plank-ups 4 Plank Jacks   3) Calories   4) 4 Box...

A) E2M x 5 rounds   1 Press 2 Push Presses 3 Push Jerks 2 Push Presses 1 Press   - first round at 60% of Press 1RM   B) Incrementing AMRAP in 8 minutes: 2-4-6-8-10 ..reps of Hang Power Cleans Lateral Burpees [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="22950" img_size="full"...

Class times: 5-5.45am 6.05-6.50am 7.10-7.55am (Legends only) 9.30-10.30am 3.45-4.35pm 4.55-5.45pm 6.05 - 6.55 pm - Book in through the Mindbody app or website     A) E90S 
12-10-8-6-4-4-4-4 Front Squat     B) E90S x 8   8 Deadlifts 8 Strict Pull-Ups     or     C) E6m x 4 rounds   2 x 10 Deadlifts 10 Pull-Ups 10 Front Squats   Then Row, Bike or Ski for metres. [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row"...


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