Daily WOD

For time: 1000m Run 25 Power Snatches (50/35kg) 25 Box Jumpovers (30/24") 25 Situps 25 Back Extensions 25 Box Jumpovers (24/20") 25 Power Snatches (30/20kg) 1000m Run ...

A) E2M for 10 mins: 5 Deadlifts 10 OHS or 10 HSPU B) E2M for 10 mins: 5 Deadlifts 10 Ring Rows or 2 Rope Climbs (bring long socks) ...

A) Clean 15 minutes to work up to a heavy t'n'g 3 B) For time: 21 Power Cleans (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg) 42 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 15 Power Cleans 30 Wall Ball 9 Power Cleans 18 Wall Ball ...

- This workout is being held as a fundraising event but we will not be taking donations at the gym. Below is the flyer with the relevant information for those who would like to make a donation. 6:00 and 8:00am CrossFit "Ivy" 3 rft: 400m Run 30 G2OH (alt. 25/15kg...

A) For time: 10 Power Cleans (60/40kg) 100 D-U 20 Pull-Ups 8 Power Cleans (80/50kg) 80 D-U 16 Pull-Ups 6 Power Cleans (100/60kg) 60 D-U 12 Pull-Ups or B) "JJ" For time: 1 - 10 Cleans (85/57.5kg) 10 - 1 Parallette HSPU (6/4") ...

Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds of each. A) Pendlay Rows 10-10-10-6-6-6 B) Deadlifts 10-10-10-6-6-6 Partner WOD - BP and Crystal.  ...

A) Thruster 1 RM B) "Rahoi" AMRAP in 12 mins: 12 Box Jumps (24/20") 6 Thrusters (45/30kg) 6 Bar Facing Burpees Partner WOD - Father/Son combo. Trevor and Joel Jnr. ...

5 min time cap for each. It will not be on a rolling clock so you will have a couple of minutes between stations to prepare. For time: A) 5 Rope Climbs 40 Pushups (Rings, Dips) B) 2 Minute Plank 40 Cal Row (30 Cal Ski, 10 Cal AD) C) 100 D-U 40 Pull-Ups (C2B,...

Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds of each A) 3 Bench Presses B) 3 Hang Cleans Congrats to Rod and Grant. 40-49 yrs Pan Pacs champs! ...


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