Daily WOD

4pm session this afternoon for any members registering for the Open.  WOD - morning classes A) Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes: - 5 Hang Power Cleans (BBF sub 10 KB Swings) - AMRAP in 30 sec. Dumbbell Stepovers  (24/20". 20/15kg) B) Partner WOD AMRAP in 12 minutes: 10 SDHP (35/25kg) (^50/35kg) (Barbell Free sub 10...

A) Muscle-Up skills and progressions B) "Open 15.3" AMRAP in 14 minutes: 7 Muscle-Ups 50 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 100 Double Unders  ...

A) 3 rounds, not for time: 5 Presses 5 Push Presses 5 Push Jerks - Attempt to complete each round as a set of 15 reps without re-racking the bar. B) AMRAP in 10 minutes: 30 Power Cleans (52.5/35kg) 30 Box Jumps 30 Pushups 30 Front Rack Lunges (52.5/35kg) ...

A) Hang Snatch B) For time: 60 Double Unders 15 Pull-Ups (^C2B) 15 Hang Snatches (35/25kg) (^50/35kg) 15 Pull-Ups (^C2B) 60 Double Unders ...

A) Barbell Complex for max load: 3 Push Jerks 3 Pause Front Squats (2 second pause) B) 5 rounds for time: 4 LH DB Thrusters (20/15kg) 4 RH DB Thrusters (20/15kg) 8 Situps (^T2B) 4 Burpees OTP  ...

I don't know what Raq does to people, but maybe you should wish her a happy birthday in case she's your judge for the Open this year. ...

4pm session this afternoon for any members registering for the Open. This afternoon's workout is a longer AMRAP with some similarity to the morning WOD, so if you're considering doing both let us know in the morning and we can give you some advice on...

A) 3 rounds, not for time: 7 Dips (weighted) 20 Pushups B) Hang Power Clean - 10 minutes to build to a heavy 5 C) Every 30 seconds for 8 minutes: 1 Hang Clean ...


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