Daily WOD

6am, 8am CrossFit A) EMOM for 7 minutes 3 Push Jerks @ 70 - 75% B) “ Air Force ” With a bar loaded to 45/30kg begin each minute with 4 Burpees and complete the following for time: 20 Thrusters 20 SDHP 20 Push Jerks 20 Overhead Squats 20 Front Squats - 20 minute time cap 7am...

A) E2M Deadlift 7-7-5-5-3-3-3-3 – first set of 7 at 50% of 1RM – try to add weight each set. B) Weighted Pull-Ups 3-3-3-3 ...

0:00 - 5:00 2 rft: 30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg) 30 Toes-to-Bar 5:00 - 6:00 Rest 6:00 - 11:00 2 rft: 20 Box Jumps (30/24") 20 Ring Dips 11:00 - 12:00 Rest 12:00 - 17:00 3 minute Plank Then AMRAP Situps 17:00 - 18:00 Rest 18:00 - 23:00 2 rft: 20 /15 Cal Row 200m Run ...

E2M A) Front Squat 7-7-5-5-3-3-3-3 - first set of 7 at 50% of 1RM - try to add weight each set. B) Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 - first single at 80% of 1RM - hold the same weight across or add weight if you're moving well and feeling strong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um4VxiI2Ng0...

2 rounds for time: 600m Row 30 Pull-Ups 20 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 600m Run 30 Alt Dumbbell G2OH (1 x 20/15kg) 20 Burpee Broad Jumps (over the platform) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeKoTYsrqr4...

A) EMOM for 7 minutes: 3 Thrusters @ 75 - 80% B) AMRAP in 7 minutes: 7 Hang Power Snatches (40/27.5kg) (^50/35kg) 33 Double Unders (^Unbroken) C) AMRAP in 7 minutes: 7 Overhead Squats (40/27.5kg) (^50/35kg) 13 Pushups (^Ring Pushups)        ...

6am, 8am CrossFit "Holleyman" 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 3 HSPU 1 Power Clean (102.5/70kg) - scaling options will include a 20 minute AMRAP and subbing Renegade Rows for HSPU 7am Barbell Free CrossFit 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 3 HSPU 100m Run 7am Weightlifting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnvZzWKW0KI...

Rotating EMOM for 25 minutes: 30 seconds Max Cal Row 4 x 10m Farmer Carry 5 to 10 Toes-to-Bar 5 to 10 Strict Pull-Ups Rest - there will be optional extras for you to add to the workload of any station or during the allocated rest period. ...

Work on technique at a moderate weight or build up to heavy singles. A) Snatch - 20 minutes B) Clean and Jerk - 20 minutes Women's final heat at 48:00. Men's final heat at 1:53:00. https://youtu.be/_dEN6yo5eVw...


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