January 2012

We had a marathon box making session yesterday after the workouts.  Thank-you to everyone that gave up a large chunk of their day to pitch in to the effort: Michael Lobb (Event Planner and Event Planer, Mr Equipment and All Round Nice Guy), Brendan Barber...

NB: * The 5.30am session is now a 5.15am start on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. * Please remember to bring in your $60 if you have ordered a box. For time: A 400m Row 50 Double Unders 800m Run 50 Double Unders 800m Run 50 Double Unders 400m Row OR B "Nutts" 10 Handstand Pushups 15 Deadlift (115 / 85kg) 25 Box...

NB: * The 5.30am session is now a 5.15am start on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. * We will be open on Australia Day for two sessions - 6am and 6pm. * Please remember to bring in your $60 if you have ordered a box. WOD -15 minute incrementing ladder. -In...

*Muscle-Up Progressions * Bench Press 5-5-5 * Ring Rows 10-10-10 Camille will be competing in the Elite division of the Hard'nup Challenge on Sunday, Feb 12. She is one of the top female CrossFitters on the world stage. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKcnpJSAsbo&feature=player_detailpage  ...


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