Daily WOD

E3M x 10   1 Clean 20 - 40 Double Unders 1 Clean 10 Toes-to-Bar 1 Clean   - If completed before the 2 minute mark alternate Side Plank up to the 2:00 each round [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="29704" img_size="full" column_number="2"...

A) Weightlifting   Or   B) 1. @ 0:00 For time: 30 - 20 - 10 Wall Balls (9/6kg) Box Stepovers (24/20”)   2. @ 8:00 For time: 30-20-10 Alt DB Snatches (20/15kg) Calories   3. @ 16:00 For time: 30-20-10 Weighted Lunges (20/15kg) Pushups   4. @ 25:00 EMOM x 10   5 Push Presses - Wall Sit or Plank to...

A) Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2   B) AMRAP in 14 minutes: 1-2-3-4… Wall Walks 5 Deadlifts (120/80kg) 15 Air Squats ...

A) “Claudia” 5 rft: 400m Run 20 KB Swings (24/16kg)   B) E2M x 5 Rounds   5 Strict Pull-Ups + 15m Walking Lunge or HS Walk   - option to add weight to the Pull-Ups and Walking Lunge [vc_gallery type="image_grid" images="29698" img_size="full" column_number="2"...

A) Retest 3 rounds for max Burpees   E4M x 3 rounds   Calorie buy-in AMRAP Bar-facing Burpees   Level 1 – 30/24 Calories Level 2 – 40/32 Calories Level 3 – 50/40 Calories   - Rest 2 minutes between rounds   B) E90S x 8 10 Thrusters (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg)   Modifying - alternate rounds of 10 Thrusters...

Partner WOD   “Jenkins” AMRAP in 40 minutes: 50 Burpees (6”) 400m Run 50 KB Swings (24/16kg) 400m Run 50 Pull-Ups 400m Run 50 Pushups 400m Run   - run together, share other reps as required - minimum of 5 reps per set   Kelly B reaches the Millennial milestone today. This is her...

A) 4 rounds for time: 20 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 20 Toes-to-Bar 20 Box Jumps (24/20")   B) Accessory work   Rotating EMOM x 12 minutes:   15 Reverse Flys   10 Banded Tricep Extensions   10 Weighted Stepups ...

A) “DT” 5 rft: 12 Deadlifts (70/47.5kg) 9 Hang Power Cleans (70/47.5kg) 6 Push Jerks (70/47.5kg)   Then   B) Weightlifting (cont’d)   Or   C) Not for time: 200 Calories 10 Laps of Carpark (Farmer Carry)   - Partition as desired ...

A) Pause OHS Or Pause Snatch Balance Or Pause Front Squat   8 x 4   B) For time: 1000/800m Row 80 Double Unders 20 Ring Rows 80 Double Unders 20 Ring Rows 80 Double Unders ...

A) “Open 20.1”   With a 15 minute time cap, complete 10 rounds for time:   8 Ground-to-Overhead (43/30kg) 10 Bar-Facing Burpees   B) E30S x 16 rounds   2x Power Clean + Push Jerk   Or   EMOM x 8 (for quality): 3 - 5 Strict Pull-Ups 3 - 5 Strict Dips 5 Good Mornings (or 3 –...


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