Daily WOD

4pm session this afternoon (Saturday) for anyone registering for the Open. 6:00, 7:00, 8:00am CrossFit A) For time: 10 Thrusters (62.5/45kg) 50 Double Unders 8 Thrusters 40 Double Unders 6 Thrusters 30 Double Unders 4 Thrusters 20 Double Unders 2 Thrusters 10 Double Unders - A.1) Sub KB Thrusters (double reps, i.e. 20, 16, 12, 8, 4. 2 x...

2 x 10 minute EMOMs A) 5 Deadlifts (50 - 60%) 10 Toes-to-Bar or 3 Muscle-Ups B) 5 SDHP (50/35kg) AMRAP Lateral Burpees to 30 second mark ...

5 rounds, not for time: 4 Power Snatches 5 Overhead Squats 60m Farmer Walk - These do not need to be unbroken sets. Go Heavy. ...

A) 2 rounds for time: 20 Situps 20 Pull-Ups - 6 minute time cap - rest 3 minutes B) 2 rounds for time: 20 Box Jumps (24/20") 20 KB Swings (24/16kg) - 6 minute time cap - rest 3 minutes C) For time: 20 Situps 20 Pull-Ups 20 Box Jumps (24/20") 20 KB Swings (24/16kg) - there will also be some optional extras...

A) Clean - 15 minutes to build to a heavy t'n'g triple B) "Elizabeth" For time: 21 - 15 - 9 Cleans (62.5/45kg) Ring Dips ...

A) Push Jerk (from racks) 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 B) For time: 800m Row 60 Double Unders 400m Run 20 Burpees (6") ...

6:00, 7:00, 8:00am CrossFit For time: 60 Calorie Row Then 6 x 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Situps 10 Pushups 10 Lunges 10 Ring Rows 7:00am Weightlifting Happy 60th Michael! ...

A) Snatch Balance 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 B) Overhead Squat 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 C) Deadball Over-the-shoulder 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5  ...


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