January 2020

A) 800m Run 70 Situps 60 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 50 Alt DB Snatches (20/15kg) 40 Pull-Ups 30 Goblet Lunges (20/15kg) 20 Med Ball Cleans 10 Muscle-Ups     or     B) 1. Deadlift 5 x 8   2. 2 rft: 15 LH KB Push Presses (20/12kg) 15 RH KB Push Presses (20/12kg) 30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20”)   ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm (no adult class or individual workouts at this time)   “Falkel”   AMRAP in 25 minutes: 8 HSPU 8 Box Jumps (30/24”) 1 Rope Climb (wear shin protection)   Modified: + option* after every second round   *e.g. 20 Calories 4 Prowler Runs 30 Second L-Sit 10 Abwheels ...

The Skills sessions at 7pm tonight (Wednesday) will focus on Pistol Squats and Rope Climbs, and here's a heads up - the Thursday WOD has got Rope Climbs in it.   Also a reminder that with the CrossFit Kids classes kicking off for the year on Thursday...

Australia Day public holiday - 8am and 5pm classes only   “Brett Forte”   Partner WOD (or 3s)   400m Run (together)   then 4 x (shared) 40 Medball Lunges (9/6kg) 14 Devils Presses (2 x 20/15kg) 70 Hang Power Cleans (40/27.5kg) 41 Strict Presses (40/27.5kg)   400m Run (together)   This workout was created to honor Senior Constable Brett Forte of the...

The Monday public holiday sessions will be at 8am and 5pm. It will be a partner workout but you might even want to put together a team of three.   Saturday, 25/01/20   0 – 8:00 AMRAP 3-6-9-12… Pushups Power Cleans (45/30kg) Front Squats (45/30kg)   10:00 – 20:00 Alt EMOM 20-60 Double Unders 200m Run   22:00 – 30:00 AMRAP 3-6-9-12… Pull-Ups Push Presses...

A) Power Snatch - 10 mins to build to a heavy single   B) For time: 15 Power Snatches (62.5/45kg) 100 Double Unders 12 Power Snatches 80 Double Unders 9 Power Snatches 60 Double Unders 6 Power Snatches 40 Double Unders 3 Power Snatches 20 Double Unders ...


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