Daily WOD

Partner WOD A= Partner A B= Partner B For time: A - 400m Run B - 100 Double Unders Then A completes 5 reps of each movement while B rests. Then B completes 5 reps of each movement while A rests. Continue alternating in this fashion until the reps are complete. 100 Pull-Ups 100...

Mo-Billi-ty 6.15pm WOD A) Power Clean 15 minutes to work up to a heavy touch'n'go for 3 B) For time: 21-15-9 Power Clean (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg) HSPU (^Strict) [caption id="attachment_7315" align="aligncenter" width="430"] GT[/caption]...

Happy Father's Day to all of the CFK Dads out there, especially to the ones for whom this is the first year of holding that title.  ...

Skills - 9.30am - KB Clean and Jerk - "Jag 28" - Partner WOD or Solo WOD 7.30, 8.30am A) "Loredo"  (Partner WOD or Solo) Six rounds for time of: 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking lunges 400m Run or B) “Tyler” 5 rounds for time: 7 Muscle-Ups 21 SDHP (45/30kg) [caption id="attachment_7307" align="aligncenter" width="461"] Gemma[/caption]...

"Christine" 3 rounds for time: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts @ bodyweight 21 Box Jumps (20". Old school plyo jumps allowed) ...

A) Thrusters / Ring Rows (Sub KB Swings if your biceps are needing a break) 5 x 7 / 10 B) For time: 400m Med Ball Carry (9/6kg) 200 Double Unders (7 minute time cap) [caption id="attachment_7292" align="aligncenter" width="430"] Julie N[/caption]...

A) AMRAP in 8 minutes: 3 Rope Climbs 5 Renegade Rows 7 Situps B) AMRAP in 8 minutes: 3 Shoot-throughs 5 Deadball (Hip to Shoulder) 7 Toes-to-Bar C) Handstand Walk Practice - This station will also have alternative exercises and progressions towards the Handstand walk. There will be something suitable for everyone to work on. Final heat of...

3 rounds for time: 400m Run 21 Pull-Ups 12 Hang Snatch (45/30kg) [caption id="attachment_7274" align="aligncenter" width="344"] Frenchy[/caption]...

Mo-Billi-ty 6.15pm A) Deadlift / Weighted Pushups 5 x 7 / 10 - Deadlift @75% of 1RM - Weighted Pushups: increment across the sets B) For time: 500m Row 50 Wall Ball (9/6kg) (7 minute time cap) [caption id="attachment_7264" align="aligncenter" width="426"] Dave C with that familiar expression.[/caption]...

All the best to Mercedes, Maddy, Keith and Chad competing in the beginner's comp at CrossFit Nouveau today. Rip in guys! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc1ghGBq9JU...


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