Daily WOD

4 rft: 20 Alt. DB Snatches (20/15kg) 20 Situps 10 LH OH DB Lunges 10 RH OH DB Lunges 100 Double Unders ...

7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit   A) AMRAP in 12 mins: 3 Clusters (52.5/35kg) 5 Box Jumps (30/24") 7 C2B Pull-Ups 5 minute rest   B) Death by Power Snatches (52.5/35kg) - increment by 2 reps each minute ...

30 rft: 5ft HS Walk 3 Toes-to-Bar 1 Power Clean (70/50kg) (^100/70kg)   - possible subs for HS Walk:   1 Wall Climb 2 Strict HSPU 3 Dips 10 Shoulder Taps ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm A) OHS or Snatch Balance 4-4-4-4-4 B) E2M x 5 10 DB Stepovers (24/20") 5 Renegade Rows  ...

ANZAC DAY 8am and 9am classes only today. “McDonald and Galagher” 2 rounds for time: 200m Run 16 KB Swings (24/16kg) 16 Pull-Ups 16 Front Squats (50/30kg) 200m Run 14 KB Swings (24/16kg) 14 Pull-Ups 14 Front Squats (50/30kg) 200m Run 12 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Pull-Ups 12 Front Squats (50/30kg) (by Jamie Zimmerman and Jimmy Wright) PTE Galagher & LCPL McDonald...

Note: ANZAC DAY, Wednesday 25/04/18 8am and 9am sessions only "McDonald and Galagher" (solo or partner) A) Deadlift 6-6-6 B) Bench Press or Shoulder Press or HSPU 6 x 8 ...

Note: ANZAC DAY, Wednesday 25/04/18 8am and 9am sessions only "McDonald and Galagher" (solo or partner)   Monday WOD   3 rft:   Buy in: R1) 50 Cal Row R2) 50 Wall Ball (9/6kg) R3) 50 Situps     2 x 5 Push Jerks (50/35) (^70/45kg) 50 Double Unders   - 8 minute cap per round - rest 3 minutes between rounds, starting...

7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit   10 Power Snatches (70/50kg) 30 Pull-Ups 30 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 600m Run   15 Power Snatches (60/40kg) 20 Pull-Ups 20 Wall ball 400m Run   20 Power Snatches (50/30kg) 10 Pull-Ups 10 Wall Ball 200m Run ...

A) OTM x 6   6 DB Z Presses 12 Situps   B) Incrementing AMRAP in 6 minutes: Ring Dips (^Strict) Power Clean   - add 1 rep to each movement every round   C) OTM x 6 12/10 Cal Row AMRAP Box Jumps (24/20") ...


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