Daily WOD

CROSSFIT TOTAL 1 RM Shoulder Press + 1 RM Back Squat + 1 RM Deadlift = CF TOTAL Post CF Total to comments. Thanks to CrossFit Inc. for the image....

1km Row 30 KB swings (24/16kg) 1km Row 30 Ring dips 1km Row 30 OH lunge (20/15kg) 1km Row 30 Double unders 1km Row Post time to comments. Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.David Ogilvy ...

DOUBLE AMRAP AMRAP #1 in 8 mins 7 SDHP (50/35kg) 10 Pushups - take hands off the ground at the bottom of the movement Rest 3 mins and then: AMRAP #2 in 8 mins 7 Chest to overhead (50/35kg) 10 Pullups Add total rounds and partials from both AMRAPS and post to comments. ...

Complete 50 Med Ball Cleans (10/5kg) and 50 Knees to Elbows Begin each minute with 5 dips Check out with a 400m run, 500m row and 200 skips. Post time to comments. ...

3 rounds for time of:Row 500m12 Deadlift at bodyweight21 Box jumps 60cm Thanks to CFX for the workout, and CrossFit Saskatoon for the video.     ...


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