Daily WOD

TEAM WOD In teams of three, rotate through the following stations for 20 mins: 400m run, situps, squats.  Each team accumulates as many reps as possible of  situps or squats while the runner is in motion. Upon returning, the runner must complete 10 pushups before the...

Ten rounds for time of: 60kg (45kg)  Deadlift, 15 reps 15 push-ups Workout courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Post time to comments. ...

Triple AMRAP I AMRAP #1 in 8 mins 3 SDHP (40/30kg) 5 Chest to Overhead  (40/30kg) 7 Front Squat  (40/30kg) Rest 3 mins then: AMRAP #2 in 8 mins 3 Ring Dips 5 KB swings (24/16kg) 7 Overhead lunge (20/15kg) Rest 3 minutes then: AMRAP #3 in  8mins 3 Burpees 5 Dumbell snatch  alternating hands each round (20/15kg) 7 Calories on the...

Weighted Pullups and Dips 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Finisher: Pistol Squat practice Post loads to comments. My Mum, Carmen King, Aerobics instructor, Line Dance instructor, all round champion,  embracing the CrossFit approach....

We provide Physiotherapy to repair and improve your functional movement. We treat sports and general injuries to fix your pain, strains and sprains we provide physiotherapy to repair and improve your functional movement....

5 rounds for time: 12 Shoulder press (40/30kg) 9 Pullups (strict) 6 Front Squats (Bodyweight) Each time the bar is lowered below shoulder height during the press, grip is released from the bar during pullups or the bar is racked during the squats, a penalty of 15 kettlebell swings (24/16kg)...

Double AMRAP II AMRAP #1 in 8 mins: 8 Hang Power Cleans (40/30kg) 8 BoxJumps (24/20") Rest three minutes then: AMRAP #2 in 8  minutes: 4 Shoot throughs 4 x 10m shuttle Dumbell Carry (Male - 20kg/hand, Female - 15kg/hand) Post times to comments. The ladies take on Murph - early in the workout. Post captions to comments.  ...


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