Daily WOD

M/T Games 16.4 "Deuce-Deuce" 0:00 - 5:00 22 Toes-to-Bar 22 Clean and Jerks (45/30kg) 160m Run 5:00 - 10:00 22 Pull-Ups 22 SDHP (45/30kg) 160m Run 10:00 - 15:00 22 Toes-to-Bar 22 Clean and Jerks (45/30kg) 160m Run 15:00 - 20:00 22 Pull-Ups 22 SDHP (45/30kg) 160m Run - add total time to complete all 4 intervals, not including rest ...

7am Weightlifting 6, 7, 8am CrossFit   A) "Cindy" AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Pushups 15 Squats   or   B) "Nate" AMRAP in 20 minutes: 2 Muscle-Ups 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings (32/24kg)   or   C) E2M x 10 5 Strict Presses 5 Push Presses 10 Power Cleans   Cindy and Nate.  ...

Rotating EMOM x 6 5 Deadlifts 200m Run 15 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 12/10 Cals 3/2 Rope Climbs Gazman continuing to make the effort to improve himself every week. It can be a tough road, but it's worth it. Goodonya champ. ...

  There is no CF Kids class at 5pm today due to school holidays. There will be a separate strength session programmed at this time open to all members.   20 minute time cap   1000m Row   then AMRAP   40 Double Unders 10 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Situps 10 KB Swings 10 Box Jumps (24/20")  ...

A) "Marco" 3 rft: 21 Pull-Ups 15 HSPU 9 Thrusters (62.5/45kg)   Then   B) 5 x 25 ft   KB Front Rack Lunges   or   C) 5 x 10 Ring Dips ...

A) Snatch Pulls 4 x 5 Then B) Snatch complex For max load: Snatch Hang Snatch OHS or C) "Randy" For time: 75 Power Snatches (35/25kg) ...

A) 3rft: 75 Double Unders 15 Toes-to-Bar 15 S2OH (45/30kg) (^62.5/45kg)   - 15 minute time cap   B) Front Squat   4 x 5 with 3 second pause at bottom   - no racks   Congratulations to Ian and Rod for taking out 1st and 2nd at the Qld Masters League Invitational on Saturday in the 40-44 yrs Hero...

7am Weightlifting 9.15am CrossFit Kids 6, 7, 8am CrossFit "Daniel" For time: 50 Pull-Ups 400m Run 21 Thrusters (45/30kg) 800m Run 21 Thrusters 400m Run 50 Pull-Ups ...

For time:   1000m Row   then   50 Double Unders 21 Power Snatches (50/35kg) 21 Wall ball (9/6kg) 50 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches 15 Wall Ball 50 Double Unders 9 Power Snatches 9 Wall Ball   (or 12-9-6 Muscle-Ups for either PS or WB) ...

CrossFit Kids 5pm   A) EMOM x 5   2 Clean and Jerks   Then   B) E3M x 4   10 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Strict Ring Dips   or   C) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 20 Toes-to-Bar 20 Alt DB Snatches (20/15kg) 200m Run ...


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