Daily WOD

A) Deadlift 1 RM B) 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open Workout 12.1 AMRAP in 7 minutes of: Burpees (Jump to a target 6" above standing reach) ...

A) Back Squat 1 RM B) AMRAP in 12 minutes (24/16kg): 12 KB SDHP 10 KB Swings 8 KB Goblet Squats 6 KB Pushups ...

We are now working off the new timetable. Please check it by clicking here. The 7am and 4pm  classes on Tuesday and Thursday are a trial to see how many of you will access these times and whether it is worthwhile scheduling more of them...

Today we will be open in the afternoon for an Open Gym 4-6pm. All other classes are cancelled. The suggested workout is a tough one. In the clip below you can see that it took Mikko Salo and Graham Holmberg, both former winners of the CrossFit...

On Monday we will be open in the afternoon for an Open Gym 4-6pm. All other classes are cancelled. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Daw2Q1nMIVs ...

On Monday we will be open in the afternoon for an Open Gym 4-6pm. All other classes are cancelled. Either: A) "Elizabeth" For time: 21-15-9 Squat Cleans (60/40kg) Ring Dips Or B) CFBR WOD 7 rounds for time: 3 Handstand Pushups 5 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 7 Toes to Bar 9 Box Jumps (24/20") ...

For time: 2 Rope Climbs (Sub 20 calories on the rower) 50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) Then seven rounds of: 10 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 10 Kettlebell Clean and Press (24/16kg) ...

"Tabata Something Else" Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where: The first 8 intervals are Pull-ups The second 8 intervals are Push-ups The third 8 intervals are Sit-ups The last 8 intervals are Squats. There is no rest between exercises. Score is total...

The new timetable will come into effect as of next week.  New classes have been added at 7:00am on Tuesday and Thursday morning and at 4:00pm on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The classes that have been running at 7pm on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night...

A) Cleans 1-1-1-1-1 B) At 75% of 1 RM on the minute, every minute for 12 minutes: 4 Cleans + 3 Chest to Overhead on the odd minutes + 3 Strict Pullups on the even minutes (with the option to scale up to weighted pullups) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPO0LuDxXUE...


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