Daily WOD

A) Clean 15 minutes to build to a heavy triple. B) "Elizabeth" For time: 21-15-9 Cleans (62.5/45kg) Ring Dips   ...

A) Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 B) "Chutney on Toast" For time: 800m Row 60 Double Unders 400m run 20 Burpees (6") ...

For time:   60 Calories   Then 6 x   10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 Situps 10 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Pushups 10 Lunges 10 SDHP (24/16kg)  ...

A) Snatch Balance 1 - 1 - 1 B) Overhead Squat 3 - 3 - 3 C) Push Jerk 5 - 5 - 5 ...

AMRAP in 20 mins: 80 Double Unders400m Run20 Wall Ball (9/6kg)20 Deadlifts (70/50kg) 40 Double Unders200m Run10 Wall Ball10 Deadlifts All the way from China. (Thanks Michael Lobb for the photo.) ...

Alt EMOM for 20 mins: A) 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerks B) 5 - 10 Pull-Upsor2 - 5 Muscle-Ups ...

A) Power Snatch - 10 mins to build to a heavy triple B) Open 13.1 AMRAP in 17 mins: 40 Burpees (6")30 Snatches (35/20kg)30 Burpees30 Snatches (62.5/35)20 Burpees30 Snatches (75/45)10 BurpeesMax Snatches (95/55) ...

A) Back Squat10-8-6-4-2-2-2 then B) Back Squat 4-6-8-10 or C) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 10 Calories20 Squats30 Double Unders40 Second Plank ...

“The Lyon” 5 rft:7 Cleans (75/52.5kg) 7 S2OH (75/52.5kg) 7 Burpee C2B Pull-Ups (6”) - rest 2 minutes - Score = fastest + slowest rounds compare to https://crossfitking.com/saturday-060118/ ...

2 x 10 minute AMRAPs: A)15 Situps (^T2B)15 Calories - 5 minute rest B)15 KB Swings (24/16kg) (^32/24kg)200m Run ...


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