31 Dec Tuesday, 01/01/19
A quick reminder that the gym is closed tomorrow (Tuesday) and that we're back to the regular class timetable on Wednesday. Happy New Year everyone! ...
A quick reminder that the gym is closed tomorrow (Tuesday) and that we're back to the regular class timetable on Wednesday. Happy New Year everyone! ...
8am CrossFit 9am Weightlifting/Open Gym A) Deadlift 8-8-8-6-6-6-4-4-4 B) Partner WOD 4 x AMRAP in 2 minutes: - Row for metres (1 minute each) - Wall Ball (alt. 5 reps each) - BOTP (alt. 2 reps each) - 10 Situps, 20 Hand Taps in Pushup position And that's a wrap for 2018. We hope to see you...
7am and 8am classes only A) “McDonald and Galagher” 2 rounds for time: 200m Run 16 KB Swings (24/16kg) 16 Pull-Ups 16 Front Squats (50/30kg) 200m Run 14 KB Swings (24/16kg) 14 Pull-Ups 14 Front Squats (50/30kg) 200m Run 12 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Pull-Ups 12 Front Squats (50/30kg) (by Jamie Zimmerman and Jimmy Wright) PTE Galagher & LCPL McDonald were serving...
8am class only 9am Weightlifting - Dan won't be in to coach this session, it is an opportunity for the weightlifters to work through their program. Tabata time 8 rounds per station 20s : 10s (work : rest) Complete all 8 rounds at each station before moving on. - Calories - Pushups -...
8am class only AMRAP in 20 minutes: 20 Dumbbell Snatches (20/15kg) 5 V-Ups 20 Box Jumps (24/20") 5 V-Ups 20 Goblet Squats (20/15kg) 5 V-Ups ...
- normal class schedule 12 Days of CFK Christmas (2018 edition) - perform the rep scheme as per the song 1 Cluster (40/25kg) (^52.5/35kg) (^^65/45kg) 2 Front Squats (40/25kg) 3 Shoulder-to-Overhead (40/25kg) 4 Hang Power Cleans (40/25kg) 5 Deadlifts (40/25kg) 6 Pushups 7 Pull-Ups 8 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 9 Toes-to-Bar 10 KB Lunges (24/16kg) 11 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12...
For time: 120 Double Unders 60 Squats 30 Push Presses (45/30kg) 2 x 60 Double Unders 30 Squats 15 Push Presses 3 x 40 Double Unders 20 Squats 10 Push Presses BBF - sub Pushups for PP ...
A) Ring Row 5 x 8 B) Ring Dips 5 x 8 C) With a 10 minute cap: 800m Row Then AMRAP 10 RKBS (24/16kg) 10 Wtd Lunges (24/16kg) 10 Toes-to-Bar ...
A) Clean - 15 minutes then B) “King Kong” 3 rft: 1 Deadlift (206/145kg) 2 Muscle-Ups 3 Cleans (113.5/80kg) 4 HSPU or B) “Jeremy” For time: 21-15-9 OHS (45/30kg) Burpees ...
"WOOD" 5 rft: 400m Run 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20") 10 SDHP (45/30kg) 10 Thrusters (45/30kg) - 1 minute rest between rounds ...