August 2011

Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 In between sets, complete the following exercises for an accumulated time: 30 Wall Ball 10/6kg 30 Double Unders 30 Pushups 30 Box Jumps 24/20" 30 Dips 30 GHD Situps 30 GHD Back Extensions httpv://

Double Whammy #1 Round 1 for time: 21-15-9 Pushups (Option to scale up to ring pushups) Walking Lunge (Option to scale up to weighted / overhead walking lunge. 30/20kg) Situps (Option to scale up to toes-to-bar) Rest 3 minutes Round 2 for time: 21-15-9 Squats (Option to scale up to dumbell thrusters. 15/10kg) Double Unders...

For time: 400m Row 50 Double Unders 800m Run 50 Double Unders 800m Run 50 Double Unders 400m Row If you're subbing single skips for the doubles, take some notes from this clip: httpv://


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