Workout Of The Day

- Please note that there is no weightlifting class on today (Saturday). Solo or Partner WOD. Partners share the workload 50/50. 6:00, 8:00am CrossFit "Hollywood" 2km Run 22 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 22 Muscle-Ups 22 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 22 Power Cleans (85/60kg) 22 Wall Balls (9/6kg) 2km Run 7:00am Barbell Free CrossFit As above. Sub: 22 C2B Pull-Ups + 22 Ring...

A) Front Squat 4 - 4 B) "Betty" 5 rounds for time: 12 Push Presses (62.5/45kg) 20 Box Jumps (24/20") ...

A) EMOM for 10 minutes: 2 Hang Power Snatches @ 75%+ or 6 Hang Power Snatches @ 40%+ B) For time: 21 - 15 - 9 Deadlifts (100/70kg) (^125/90kg) Bar Facing Burpees ...

For time: Buy in: 800m Run 4 x 25 Thrusters (25/15kg) 25 Pushups 25 Situps Cash out: 800m Run ...

A) E15S (Every 15 seconds) for 22 reps: 1 Power Clean B) E2M for 10 minutes: 3 Push Jerks or 8 Dumbbell Bench Presses ...

With a 7 minute time cap for each: A) For time: 600m Run 40 Burpees (6") B) For time: 20/15 Cal Row 20 Pull-Ups 20/15 Cal Row 20 Pull-Ups 20/15 Cal Row C) 5 rounds for time: 50 D-U 15 OH Lunges (20/15kg) ...

All the best to the CFK team - April, Courts, Jo, Trent, Alex and Rod - at the Allstars Affiliate Series final on the Gold Coast over the weekend. WOD - all classes. AMRAP A) 0:00 - 4:00 5 Pushups 10 Squats B) 4:00 - 8:00 5 Pull-Ups 10 KB Swings (24/16kg) C) 8:00 -...

10 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 Back Squat Push Press Perform as a superset. Push Press is taken off the floor. ...

A) For time: 50/40 Cal Row 40 Pull-Ups 30 Burpees over the platform 20 Ring Dips 10 Man Makers (2 x 15/10kg) B) SDHP 3 x 10 C) Snatch first pull 5 x 5 (singles) ...


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