25 Dec Tuesday, 26/12/23
Tuesday, 26/12/23 Boxing Day holiday - gym closed. Here's a workout you can complete at home or in a park: Rotating EMOM for 20 minutes or AMRAP in 20 minutes 1. 20 Squat Jumps or Air Squats 2. 15 Pushups or Box Dips...
Tuesday, 26/12/23 Boxing Day holiday - gym closed. Here's a workout you can complete at home or in a park: Rotating EMOM for 20 minutes or AMRAP in 20 minutes 1. 20 Squat Jumps or Air Squats 2. 15 Pushups or Box Dips...
Please note the change of class schedule for Monday, Dec 25 through to Wednesday, Jan 3 Monday 25th – closed for Christmas Day Tuesday 26th – closed for Boxing Day Wednesday 27th – 6am, 7.10am (Legends only), 8.30am, 5pm Thursday, 28th -...
PERFORM - 6 x AMRAP in 4 minutes - rest 2 minutes between each #1, 3 and 5 200m Run (buy in) Then AMRAP 3 Squat Snatches (52.5/35kg) 6 Ring Pushups #2, 4 and 6 250/225m Row (buy in) Then AMRAP 3 Thrusters (52.5/35kg) 6 Toes-to-Bar _______________________________ FIT - 6 x AMRAP in...