WODS – 18/01/11 through to 23/01/11

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  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 07:40h, 18 January

    30 Muscle-ups: 6:21 (not fully turned out)
    Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5: 75-80kg

  • Jo Genders
    Posted at 15:38h, 19 January

    Wednesday 19th January
    Overhead lunge
    Tani (15kg): 11.21
    Jo (5 kg): 11.40

  • A Facebook User
    Posted at 19:12h, 20 January

    Thursday 20th January
    AMRAP in 15min
    ~5 Push ups
    ~5 Situps
    ~5 Squats
    Also did
    AMRAP in 2 min of Double Unders
    Jo > 16 rounds + pushups (on knees), 21 DU
    Tani > 7 rounds RXD!! 33 DU

  • Rocketspi
    Posted at 20:23h, 20 January

    Good job Tani and Jo holding up the fort !
    Brendan and Paula ( and Jarvis ) still sick

  • Rocketspi
    Posted at 20:37h, 21 January

    25 rounds room service
    worked up to 2 pood 5 swings

  • Rocketspi
    Posted at 12:32h, 22 January

    Deadlifts and pull ups
    Jo Tani Paula and Brendan
    Coaching by Linzey

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