WOD – Wednesday, 28/07/10

WOD – Wednesday, 28/07/10

10 rounds for time where each round consists of two exercises, one following an increasing ladder, the other a decreasing ladder.
1 to 10 reps of SDHP
10 to 1 reps of Chest to Overhead
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  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 18:37h, 28 July

    Claire 4:42 10kg (Death by 10 m – 14)
    Kim 7:27 7.5kg (Death by 10 m – 10)
    Jacqui 5:49 15kg (Death by 10 m – 15)
    Paula 6:20 25kg (Death by 10 m – 16)

  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 21:47h, 28 July

    Weighted Pulls 48kg
    Weighted dips 48kg
    20 rounds of:
    20 Double unders
    5 SDHP 40kg

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