WOD – Thursday, 28/04/11

WOD – Thursday, 28/04/11

Games WOD 11.6
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
3 Thrusters 45/30kg
3 Chest to Bar Pullups
6 Thrusters 45/30kg
6 Chest to Bar Pullups
9 Thrusters 45/30kg
9 Chest to Bar Pullups
Continue incrementing by 3 reps of each movement every round.
Post number of reps to comments.

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  • steph
    Posted at 10:02h, 28 April

    10kg thrusters
    chest to bar (on box) 72 reps – (12 of each complete + 8 thrusters)
    Also I completed Lv 1 Sit ups (30) – dat’s what I’m talkin’ bout! 🙂

    • P Barber
      Posted at 19:53h, 28 April

      Brendan 87 reps rxd
      Cam 90 reps – red band
      Sarah 58 reps 17 kg + green band pullups + agility test 13.4 + 500m row 2.17
      Kate 62 reps 15 kg + blue band pullups + agility test 14.2 + 500m row 2.06
      Jeff 76 reps rxd + 100m row 16.1 (new pr!)

      • Anonymous
        Posted at 19:56h, 28 April

        Steph 72 reps 10 kg + JP
        Adam 83 reps

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:13h, 28 April

    Well done crew. Thanks Paula.

  • Cam Leggatt
    Posted at 21:19h, 28 April

    Thanks Paula did a good job!! Jimmy better look out 😉

  • Jeff
    Posted at 08:10h, 29 April

    I feel like I’m missing out not leaving a comment. But then that would be silly to leave a comment just so that I would have a comment in the comments section. Isn’t it??

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