WOD – Thursday, 27/01/11

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  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 19:28h, 26 January

    Hey Brendan, Amy does do it tough toward the end of her muscle-ups, my bad, but look at the determination.

  • Jo Genders
    Posted at 15:05h, 27 January

    Jo’s home workout
    Pushups 5 x 10 (from knees)
    Sit up 5 x 10
    Squats 5 x 10
    100 Double unders (with about 90% strike rate)
    20 mins 12 secs.

  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 20:11h, 27 January

    Paula 30-55kg
    Tani 30-37.5kg
    Brendan 40-80kg 1RM 100kg AND FIRST MUSCLEUP!!!!!!
    Jeff 40-80kg 1RM 105kg
    April 30-50kg
    Super effort today. Good work Jo, great to see the homework getting done, and the muscleups are coming along for everyone. Congratulations Brendan this is a significant CrossFit milestone.

  • Rocketspi
    Posted at 21:13h, 27 January

    VERY excited to finally muscle up !!!
    It is good to see visable signs of progress whether it be pushups pullups or muscle ups??? or maybe even a double under??

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