WOD – Saturday, 17/07/10

WOD – Saturday, 17/07/10

For time:
Row 500m
Deadlift 1000kg
Chest to overhead 500kg
Run 800m
You can set the bars at whatever weight you choose.  Calculate the number of reps you need to complete the required tonnage of the workout. Get it done.
Post time and weights to comments.

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  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 20:02h, 17 July

    Jeff 11:10 (100/50kg)
    April 10:21 (40/20kg)
    Bree DNF (13:37 40/15-10kg lifted 340kg OH)
    Jimmy 7:26 (500m row, 100/40kg, 1000m row)

  • Jeff
    Posted at 16:08h, 18 July

    2.5k jog/shuffle in 16:25. Quite slow, but no stitch, so v.happy.

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