WOD – Saturday, 08/01/11

WOD – Saturday, 08/01/11

10 rounds for time:

15 Overhead lunge (20/15kg)

10 Parallette dips (starting point is with the feet raised to the level of an L-sit position)

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  • Rocketspi
    Posted at 20:27h, 08 January

    Hey its us
    SHALLOW squat and not quite nose to bar here are some good links
    crossfit scouting report australia = Dougie
    Crossfit vancouver
    Still smiling Paula and Brendan

  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 23:41h, 08 January

    Hey it’s me, Duck’s bum. Thanks for the links Paula.
    Tani 9:41 (10kg)
    Jeff 18:35 (10kg)
    Jo 17:42 (2.5kg)
    Paula 18:45 (15kg)
    Brendan 9:46 (20kg)

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