WOD – Monday, 25/10/10

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  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 17:40h, 24 October

    SUNDAY 4pm
    April – Yesterday’s WOD – 24:55 rxd
    Between panting for breath at approx. 8th round she could be heard to say “Paula is so strong….she is so strong….”
    Jim – 1395 metres
    Cycle through the following stations as fast as possible and with a 20 min. cutoff time the score is determined by total metres rowed.
    5 Pullups
    5 Pushups
    10 Abmat Situps
    10 Abmat Back Extensions
    15 Double Unders
    15 Pulls on the rower
    10 min rest then:
    “Fran” – 4:42 rxd (PB) It was a goal of mine to go under 5 min for Fran by the end of the year, so I was happy with that.

  • A Facebook User
    Posted at 18:06h, 25 October

    Hey April, sorry I didn’t have credit to reply to your text! I hope you didn’t wait any longer for me… I’m having a rest today, been up late lots of nights finishing work so I’m all ready for Vietnam on Fri, woot! I’ll see you Wed am 🙂

  • Jimmy King
    Posted at 20:03h, 25 October

    Brendan 8:54 / 10:46 = 19:40 rxd
    Paula 9:38 / 8:41 = 18:19 (variety of pullup options)
    Jac 3:26 / ? / 3:44 (mod)
    Megan 7:49 / 7:48 (20kg/purple, green band)
    April 10:19 rxd / interrupted
    Jim 4:39 (PB) / 7:02 = 11:41 rxd

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