WOD – Friday, 29/04/11

WOD – Friday, 29/04/11

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15  minutes of:
20m Farmer Carry (Men-20kg DB, Women-15kg DB)
10 Box Jumps 20″
20m Farmer Carry (Men-20kg DB, Women-15kg DB)
10 Box Dips
Post number of rounds to comments.


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  • steph
    Posted at 07:36h, 29 April

    20m Farmer – 15kg
    Box step ups
    Box dips (feet on ground) 10 reps + 1 walk

  • steph
    Posted at 07:37h, 29 April

    Thanks Paula for a great workout! You did a great job.

  • Paula Barber
    Posted at 07:45h, 29 April

    Steph 10 rnds + 1 walk 15kg/step up/box dips with feet on ground
    Paula 11 rnds + 10m walk rxd/16kg KB.
    Steph you are so awesome, I am blown away with how consistantly strong and determined you are! You are always right behind me but not for long I think!

  • Sonia
    Posted at 09:17h, 29 April

    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes (for Sunday!) Not sure about the photo though haha
    Hope you guys are feeling better and I’ll see you on Sat morning!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 15:45h, 29 April

    Games WOD 11.6
    90 reps

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