Wednesday, 07/03/12

Wednesday, 07/03/12

Finisher – 5 rounds for time:
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
10 Double Unders
10 Jumping Lunges


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  • Jim King
    Posted at 08:24h, 07 March

    Matt D 150 / 8:04 (24)
    Darren 80 / 7:05 (16)
    Celia 70 / 7:49 (16)
    Jan 120 / 8:06 (32)
    Jo G 90 / 4:53 Rx
    Xavier 55 / 6:59 (12)
    Melissa 15 tec. / 8:14 (8, 3.5 rnds)
    Clay 100 / 6:40
    Browney 90 / 5:06
    Kim L 60 / secret
    Pat 112.5 / 5:47 Rx
    Bianca 60 / 6:40 (16)
    Sabrina 60 / 5:04 (12)
    Tony M 150 / 6:30
    Jo D 100 / 4:37 Rx
    Caitlin 32.5 / 6:10
    Trent 150 / 4:19 Rx
    Hutch 110 / 5:16 Rx
    Nat Intro 2

  • Jim King
    Posted at 15:35h, 07 March

    David – / 4:50 (20)
    Phantom 110 / 6:30 (16)
    Jack 25 (the bear) / 5:12 Rx
    Paula 100 / 6:13 (20)
    Kat 65 / 7:27 (8)
    Dan 100 / 7:39 (16)
    Megan 75 / 8:18 (24, bj)
    April 80 / 4:46 (20)
    Georgio 130 / 5:57
    Jim 140 / 4:28 (32 kg Russian)

  • Jim King
    Posted at 22:14h, 07 March

    Short Story:
    All the results from the afternoon groups have been lost. If you would like to have them recorded here for future reference (or bragging rights eg. Jeff DL 172.5kg vs CKZ 170kg, Jess 25:06 Rx “Filthy Fifty” gym record) please post your scores.
    Long story:
    I took a photo of all the results on my phone, erased all the info to have a clean board for tomorrow morning, closed the gym and went home. After dinner I sat down to post all the results, logging in to the website as per normal, referring to the photos on my phone as I went. After I entered all the results on the website I deleted the photos and then hit “Post Comment” only to discover that the host server for the website was down, thereby rendering all the entered data useless. Dismayed, I contacted Christian and he verified that it wasn’t my fault and that the server was to blame. A rare occasion that I wasn’t responsible for some computer glitch.
    So, my apologies that all the afternoon scores are lost. For the record everyone was amazing in their awesomeness, but especially you.
    Now I just need to ask Christian to hack into their server and siphon all their funds into my bank account as recompense. I’ll distribute the funds to all the members according to kilos lifted in your deadlift. Now, what were your numbers?
    After Alyssa’s 1145 reps for the workout the other day when most of you were around the 200 mark, she might be a tough one to beat when she posts her score.

  • Jo Genders
    Posted at 22:27h, 07 March

    Blame Roy, Jimmy. He’s sure to be involved somehow.

    • MeTTT
      Posted at 09:30h, 08 March

      I’m sure it was Roy! Bloody Roy.

  • Jessica
    Posted at 05:14h, 08 March

    Filtly 50, 25:05 (not 25:06, lol, seconds count!! even 1 😉 DL 85kg, finisher- 4:46 (24kg) then 3:35 rxd (just cause Jim asked if I wanted to do it again. Of course the answer was yes!!)

  • Chris
    Posted at 06:13h, 08 March

    130 DL with no finisher due to slackness

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