Tuesday, 22/11/11

Tuesday, 22/11/11

Back Squat
The set of 10 reps begins with the bar. Attempt to work up to your 1RM by the final set.
5 x 100m Rowing Sprints for total time.

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  • Megan
    Posted at 09:11h, 22 November

    Jimmy, can you please program in some overhead squats for a strength session soon? I wouldn’t mind practicing them.

    • April King
      Posted at 11:46h, 22 November

      Hey Megan
      Eventually they will come up again in the program. In the meantime you are welcome to practice them during open gym times.

  • Steph
    Posted at 10:21h, 22 November

    oooo I always love these sessions 🙂

  • April King
    Posted at 11:43h, 22 November

    Score is 1RM back squat / Best 100m row time (Total Row time):
    Jan 115kg / 17.1sec (86.7 sec)
    Cecilia 85kg / 19.6 sec (102.4 sec)
    Meshelle 57.5kg / 20.3 sec (109.7 sec)
    Chris B 75kg/ 17.9sec (91.1 sec)
    Gerard 110kg / 18.1sec (91.6 sec)
    Ania 57.5kg / 24.0sec (124 sec)
    John P 50kg / 21.2sec (107.7 sec)
    Kath L 57.5kg / 24.0sec (120.5 sec)
    Megan 77.5kg / 20.2sec (103.3 sec)
    Hutch 90kg / 15.9sec (84.9 sec)
    Trent 95kg / 17.5sec (88.2 sec)
    Campbell 80kg / 17.1sec (87.1 sec)
    Paula 80kg / 19.9sec (104.4 sec) / 180 burpees
    April 67.5kg / 20.8sec (105.3 sec)/ 150 burpees 14:32sec

    • Cecilia
      Posted at 19:43h, 22 November

      Hi April, it is 19.6 for me…. people complain about my “9” all the time…..

      • Jim King
        Posted at 20:38h, 22 November


      • Steph
        Posted at 08:27h, 23 November

        Cecilia you rocked that workout girl!!!! I’m so impressed with your Back squat weight and row time. Well done!!

    • Cecilia
      Posted at 19:48h, 22 November

      180 and 150 burpees……… that is insane!!!

  • Chris
    Posted at 13:30h, 22 November

    Hi April
    Not sure of that 15.2 row! Must be my scribble…..I’d be turned inside out to do that time!!! 🙂 more like 17.9 i think…

    • April King
      Posted at 14:15h, 22 November

      Thanks Chris. I would like to see you turn inside out and do that time someday though!
      I will have to get Jim to edit your score….his domain!

    • Jim King
      Posted at 20:39h, 22 November


  • April King
    Posted at 14:18h, 22 November

    Update re: Sat Nov 26th
    I have compiled a preliminary teams list. However, this list is subject to change depending on drop outs, and new comers between now and sat. Also, the two teams may become four teams….

    • April King
      Posted at 14:39h, 22 November

      Sorry my computer just had a moment, hence why my last post was incomplete.
      So, here are the teams thus far.
      TEAM A
      Michael L
      Nic P
      Kate L

      • April King
        Posted at 14:39h, 22 November

        TEAM B
        Chris B
        John P
        Sarah L
        Jo G

        • April King
          Posted at 14:47h, 22 November

          Is anyone on this list and shouldn’t be?
          Also, have I left anyone out that is intending to come?
          The days events will start at 7:30am and I expect the team challenges will be over by 9:30am
          You are all welcome (and your families) to join us for a BBQ afterwards at Mott Park, Holland Park. You may shower at the gym if you would like to. Otherwise we have showers at home, which is very close to the park! Hopefully we will be able to use the BBQ facilities. You may like to bring a chair or a blanket.
          I am sorry to change the venue yet again, but after receiving some feedback from members, this seems the best location.
          I am looking forward to Saturday!

          • Cam Leggatt
            Posted at 21:14h, 22 November

            kate Pearce is keen to compete…

          • April King
            Posted at 14:47h, 23 November

            Got it!!! Ta

  • Kate
    Posted at 19:11h, 22 November

    Hey Jimmy!
    I will be in early in the morning to put the final touches on the board. 🙂

  • Sue O'Connor
    Posted at 20:31h, 22 November

    Sounds like lots fun next Sat. April could you let me know what my final burpee count owing was. Thought I might try and do them maybe near the eiffle tower, slopes of Austria, or perhaps at the Pompei ruins…
    See you all in 2012 totally love CF and it has to offer for overall fitness. Will be like starting all over again with possibly a kilo,2,3 extra..
    Cheers Sue O

  • Trent
    Posted at 20:44h, 22 November

    Hutcho isn’t coming on Saturday, so we’ll take Cam on our team. Thanks!

    • Cam Leggatt
      Posted at 21:12h, 22 November

      I think Trent is worried… Leave me on the opposite team hahah 😉

      • Trent
        Posted at 21:36h, 22 November

        Turn it up. My team will smash your team. It’s on!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 21:04h, 22 November

    Steph 75kg / 19.9 sec (100.8 sec)
    Sarah L 52.5kg / 22.8 sec (117.3 sec)
    Cam L 95 kg / 16.9 sec (84.7 sec)
    Jim 120kg / 16.7 sec (84.9 sec)
    Jeff 110kg / 15.4 sec (79.9 sec)
    Lauren C 52.5kg / 20.6 sec (108.3 sec)
    Ru 120kg / 16.0 sec (81.1 sec)
    Georgio 110kg / 18.2 sec (92.9 sec)
    Peter D 90kg / 16.8kg (?)
    Jane C 35kg / 21.3 sec (112.6 sec)
    Jason W 35kg / 20.0 sec (101.2 sec)
    Kate P 52.5kg / 22.3 sec (112.7 sec)
    Jack L
    Molly 45kg / 20.0 sec (102.6 sec)
    Dimitri 150kg / 16.3 sec (86.8 sec)

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