Tuesday, 21/06/11

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  • liz
    Posted at 23:33h, 20 June

    I’m looking forward to this one!

  • steph
    Posted at 07:40h, 21 June

    I don’t think that I have ever whinged so much before a WOD. Thanks Jim for shuffling 2k with me. I actually shuffled the full 2k!!!! NO WALKING! yeah! (though I guess the shuffle was still walking pace but tis all good 🙂 )

  • Jim King
    Posted at 08:53h, 21 June

    Paula 25:10 rxd
    Iceman 38:40
    Steph 34:00
    Adam 25:03 rxd

  • jess
    Posted at 09:13h, 21 June

    Nooooooo. Rowing 🙁

    • Megan
      Posted at 16:47h, 21 June

      Not going to make it today Jess. Still at work and can’t leave for at least an hour. Probablly a good thing anyway. My back is still tight from last week and it made my run today VERY uncomfortable. With only 11 days to go before the half marathon the last thing I want is an injury that will prevent me running. Still sad though because I thought this one would be good.

      • Jess
        Posted at 20:43h, 21 June

        Thanks for letting me know Megan. Yes, look after yourself for your run. See you when you can make it in and feel better 🙂

  • liz
    Posted at 13:35h, 21 June

    I have a big psychology exam tomorrow worth 50 %, and as much as I was looking forward to this one I think I may have to replace it with study 🙁 🙁 🙁 So much to know, so little brain capacity! ! But the good news is it’s my last exam, wooohoo, so I will be a very happy little crossfiter in tomorrows afternoon session!

  • Jeff
    Posted at 13:47h, 21 June

    Yeahhhhh! Rowing.

  • steph
    Posted at 19:05h, 21 June

    They say the first 2 weeks of the Paleo no wheat no dairy no sugar diet is the hardest. Day 9 and I’m struggling. Doesn’t help that it’s “week of excellence” (activity week) at school and the home ec department insists on making endless cupcakes while the Year 8’s bring shared lunches of chips, cookies and cakes (why don’t kids ever want to bring fruit to share or carrot and celery sticks?!?). Man oh man. I apologise in advance if I get a little cranky over the next few mornings 🙂 but I will not let the cravings beat me…

    • Jess
      Posted at 20:34h, 21 June

      Stay strong Steph. We can put up with your moods. Just think of the big picture. Cupcakes, chips, cakes etc bring only temporary satisfaction, followed by guilt. Eating right brings everlasting satisfaction when you achieve your goal and stay strong!! We are all behind you. Great work today!!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 19:56h, 21 June

    Jo Intro
    Cam 21:20
    Jess 25:30
    Kate 28:44
    Alison 29:15
    Sarah 30:47
    Sonia 33:00 (dnf active hang)
    Jeff 29:39

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