Tuesday, 19/07/11

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  • Jeff
    Posted at 21:27h, 18 July

    Holy Hell!!

  • Cam Leggatt
    Posted at 05:35h, 19 July

    Everyone should do this one!!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 07:47h, 19 July

    Steph 41:18 (50 ring pulls, 100 box pushups, 3km partitioned)
    Christian 43:06 (50 ring pulls, 12 full hr pushups, 88 knee hr pushups, 3km partitioned)
    Jo D 41:40 (50 green band pullups, 100 hr pushups partitioned, 5km)
    Paula 37:45 (50 green band pullups, 100 hr pushups, 5km)
    Impressive effort from the morning crew. Well done to Steph and Christian for pushing on beyond their original quota, Jo for hitting the running track like she was late for the bus and Paula for overcoming technical difficulties and gutsing out 100 hrpu straight through.

  • steph
    Posted at 08:00h, 19 July

    April… You and I need to have words. I hear you are responsible for this WOD…

    • paula
      Posted at 12:38h, 19 July

      Hey it was hard but how good did you feel when it was done! I feel smashed now though…

    • April
      Posted at 18:38h, 19 July

      I have some words for you Steph….awesome! u rock! narley! smashed ’em, legend, sick, nasty, risin’ up,
      (lyrics from Eye of the Tiger!)

      • steph
        Posted at 19:00h, 19 July

        rofl!!! I love those lyrics hahahahahha your post made my day April. Yes paula I did feel good at the end but shhh don’t tell April that 😉

  • jess
    Posted at 08:57h, 19 July

    Good one april. Looking forward to it. Hoping there is a big crew at 6

  • Jim King
    Posted at 11:53h, 19 July

    Jim 43:05 rxd + 10kg vest

    • steph
      Posted at 12:20h, 19 July

      10kg vest.. as though the WOD wasn’t hard enough! Good job Jimmy I wish I was there to see it. 🙂

    • paula
      Posted at 12:36h, 19 July


    • Jo D
      Posted at 17:43h, 19 July

      Well done with the vest on Jim! Do we wear one next time?!#
      I really enjoyed this workout – you picked a goodee April 😉

    • Christian
      Posted at 17:58h, 19 July

      Fuenfzig! Hundert! Fuenf! … We’ll teach Jim German yet!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:23h, 19 July

    Catherine 15:14 (#4) Welcome Catherine!
    Jeff 54:10 green band, partitioned pullups and pushups
    Kate 42:05 jumping pullups, knee pushups, partitioned
    Cam 34:39 kipping pullups
    Sarah 43:19 green band, knee pushups, partitioned
    Brendan 47:45 rxd + 10kg vest
    Jess 36:45 green band
    Megan 41:42 green band x 17, blue band x 33, 50 x full pushups, 50 x knee pushups

  • paula
    Posted at 20:46h, 19 July

    Kate! Jumping pullups…..man your legs must have been smoking when you were running! Great job.

  • Megan
    Posted at 08:23h, 20 July

    Jess, with your upper body strength and my speed we would have smashed out that workout in under 35min. When am I going to find some upper body strength??? Those pushups killed me!

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