Tuesday, 16/08/11

Tuesday, 16/08/11

For time:
400m Row
50 Double Unders
800m Run
50 Double Unders
800m Run
50 Double Unders
400m Row
If you’re subbing single skips for the doubles, take some notes from this clip:

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  • Megan
    Posted at 07:22h, 16 August

    That’s nuts!!! 151 skips in 30sec…

    • Jeff
      Posted at 07:53h, 16 August

      If she did double unders she’d get twice as much done in 30 seconds.

      • Jo Genders
        Posted at 08:35h, 16 August

        I agree. Lazy cow.

      • Christian
        Posted at 09:28h, 16 August

        shees … i think the funny bit is she didn’t (couldn’t?) just stop, she actually had to wind down…

      • Megan
        Posted at 10:51h, 16 August

        Imagine the whiplash if you screwed up. Yowche!!!!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 08:40h, 16 August

    Christian 24:00 mod
    Jo D 20:12
    Matt 16:14 rxd
    Jim 13:15 rxd

  • Alison
    Posted at 13:46h, 16 August

    Although I love double unders I’m nursing a sore hip & plan to give it a rest tonight. Have fun

  • Jim King
    Posted at 19:55h, 16 August

    Christian 20km bike ride, 35kg Push Press
    Jeff 16:37 rxd
    Jack 15:51 rxd
    Megan 16:01 rxd

    • Christian
      Posted at 20:40h, 16 August

      32.5kg only 🙂

      • Jim
        Posted at 21:37h, 16 August

        And it was strict press

        • Christian
          Posted at 09:36h, 19 August

          That’s what i thought, but I’m bad with names 😛

  • jess
    Posted at 20:37h, 16 August

    Upset I missed this one but had to work back today at work and feeling pretty lousy today 🙁 darn cold!

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