Thursday, 29/03/12

Thursday, 29/03/12

Double AMRAP
#1 – AMRAP in 8 minutes:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Box Jumps (30/24″)
Rest 3 minutes, then:
#2 – AMRAP in 8 minutes:
7 KB Swings (32/24kg)
7 Weighted Situps (10/10kg)


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  • Michael L
    Posted at 21:34h, 28 March

    From that angle I swear I look just like George Clooney!

    • Jim King
      Posted at 07:52h, 29 March

      Justin Beiber?

      • Steph
        Posted at 11:46h, 29 March

        Justin Beiber? Now that’s just mean Jimmy 😛

  • Joel
    Posted at 06:37h, 29 March

    I was going to say brad Pitt

  • Jim King
    Posted at 09:43h, 29 March

    Name T2B,BJ / KB,SU = Total
    Trent 112 / 128 = 240 Rx
    Steph 92 / 85 = 177
    Jo D 74 / 99 = 173 Rx
    Chris Bow. 105 = 105 / 210
    Rod 103 / 91 = 194 Rx
    Sabrina 145 / 104 = 249
    Kate P 107 / 126 = 233
    Hutch 90 / 117 = 207
    Caitlin 99 / 117 = 226
    Leah 111 / 130 = 241
    Emma 112 / 105 = 217
    Nat 109 / 98 = 217
    Alyssa 112 / 112 = 224
    Sue O 127 / 105 = 232

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:31h, 29 March

    Kim L 91 / 125 = 216
    Jo G 73 / 93 = 166 Rx
    Matt G 98 / 84 = 182
    Ainslee 126 / 112 = 238
    Kath L 62 / 117 = 179
    Sue W 138 / 71 = 209
    David 161 / 112 = 273
    Bec 133 / 77 = 210
    Emma H 140 / 135 = 275
    Chris Bats 154 / 84 = 238
    Brendan 126 / 95 = 221 Rx
    Pip 70 / 63 = 133 Rx+ (15kg WSU)
    Megan 126 / 103 = 209 Rx
    Ali 126 / 105 = 231
    Bianca 136 / 88 = 224
    Andrew 107 / 92 = 199
    Lauren 112 / 103 = 215
    Nick L 84 / 105 = 189 Rx
    Jess 123 / 105 = 228 Rx , 6:25 Rx “Annie” , 10:54 Rx “Jackie”

    • Megan
      Posted at 22:14h, 29 March

      You’re as bad as me Jimmy. 126+103 does not equal 209. Jess did 3 WODs in a day and it took her to point it out to me that I can’t add! My score should be 229.

    • Katherine L
      Posted at 22:50h, 29 March

      If we are pointing stuff out..can I add that I did the first WOD rx or does it have to be both? Otherwise my first WOD looks pretty lazy …;) If it had to be both, no bother.

      • jess
        Posted at 07:56h, 30 March

        Awesome kath! Definitely counts. Great work. While pointing out the, my jackie time was actually 10:44. I forgot to deduct the 10 secs it took to get on the rower. Great work last night everyone!

        • Michael L
          Posted at 08:55h, 30 March

          Thanks, Jess. My rx’s are a long time in between so it’s good to get one occasionally. Thanks for the coaching and encouragement last night!

  • Pip
    Posted at 21:00h, 29 March

    I also did 30″ bj to add to the rx+ I have the knee scrape as a reminder of how much higher I need to jump! 😛

    • jess
      Posted at 07:57h, 30 March

      That u did pip! Awesome work!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 08:49h, 30 March

    Unless the entire workout was as Rx’d or Rx+ I didn’t post any more info for a few reasons:
    – There was just too much info to post due the very wide range of scaling options and with the numbers we are getting into the classes it simply takes too long to enter all the data, and it seems the more I enter the more corrections, additions, exceptions, explanations etc follow.
    – I have attempted to include as much of the info as possible when it comes to the benchmark workouts as these are likely to come up again in the training program some time in the months ahead and therefore give you a method of tracking your progress. Most workouts though are my own invention or variations of workouts that I like from other affiliates and as such might never be repeated or repeated on rare occasions, rendering some of the scaling info redundant, or of limited value for the purpose of tracking progress when comparing performance across workouts.

    • Katherine L
      Posted at 09:03h, 30 March

      Thanks for the very informative explanation, Jim. Really only for my own records anyway. Rx is not exactly my goal or achievable in most cases but pleased when it comes around. Appreciate the time it takes to post all the scores and understand making additions or corrections is time consuming. Sorry.

      • Jim King
        Posted at 09:26h, 30 March

        My explanation was nearly twice as long as this until my ipad (along with some typo-bungling incompetence on my part) deleted it and I had to start again with rage in my veins and curses filling the dark cloud around me.
        I will post a more thorough response when I get the time. I have been trying to figure out how to get the photo of the board on there a` la CrossFit Brisbane so that all info on the board is included in the post. I’m also trying to figure whether the logistics involved in getting the photo to present the info neatly and succinctly is the way I want to go right now.
        I doubt anyone who knows you would suspect a lamo effort regardless of the score Kath. There were so many fantastic efforts to step it up yesterday, particularly a number of the girls going with the 24kg KB for the first time – that’s heavy.

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