15 Feb Thursday, 16/02/12
Tabata Thursday
– Following the Tabata protocol (20 seconds work : 10seconds rest) for 4 rounds per station. Score is total reps across all 20 intervals.
Row (for Calories)
Rest one minute
Double Unders (If your continuous PR is 50+ every fourth DU counts, 31-50 every third one counts, 11-30 every second one counts, 0-10 every rep and/or attempt counts)
Rest one minute
5m Shuttles
Rest one minute
Situps +
Rest one minute
GHD Hip Extension
Then strength development:
Rope Climb
Jim King
Posted at 20:21h, 16 February5am
Darren Intro 1
Rod 200
John 189
Nic P 208
Robyn 170
Sandy 171
Anthony 204
Andrew 203
Hutch 199
Caitlin 132
Kim S 147
Jo D 191
Sue O 202
Trent 231
Jo G 210
Sue W 169
Alyssa 132
Kim L 116
Kate P 165
Rob C 232
Clay 181
Kath L 159
Ru 165
CKZ 167
Jane C 204
Michael 188
Hayley 182
Joel 203
Pip 214
Dan 205
Ainslee 170
Melita 164
James 175
Jim King
Posted at 20:35h, 16 FebruaryLots of good things happening today.
I hesitate to mention specific examples because a number of people had breakthroughs and they are all worthy of recognition, but here goes anyway:
Trent – first muscle-up, and captured on video as well!
Robyn – first double-under (and went on to do more)
Kim L – first double-under
Caitlin – rope climb
Please add to the list…
Posted at 21:10h, 16 FebruaryGot my first handstand today. Also got 4x double unders unbroken, which is my best to date.
Posted at 21:53h, 16 FebruaryRope climb without feet all the way to the top! lol & first DUs with my new rope 🙂
Posted at 14:24h, 17 FebruaryRan 400m. Not impressive by most standards, but I’m quite happy with that 🙂